Chapter 2

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I smile at Lynn, seeing her look so regal in her midnight blue dress, feeling so proud of her. 

"Hurry, Liam," I call over my shoulder at Liam, who is still struggling with his hair. 

"Baby, you look amazing, leave it," I whisper, gently taking his brush from his hand. Lynn mumbled something about Liam looking like a Dumpster. I raised my eyebrow but said nothing. 

"Auntie Agatha, who did you invite?!" Belle squeals, looking up at me. 

"Well, here's the list, do you want to see it?" I ask, handing Belle a piece of fancy paper. I usher the three of them into the ballroom, looking for my husband. My husband. Sometimes the wedding doesn't seem real. I still struggle to completely accept that not only am I a wife, but I'm Camelot's Queen. Tedros comes swooping in, kissing my cheek. 

"Hello beautiful," Tedros whispers in my ear.

"Tedros! What are you doing here?! You're supposed to be greeting the guests while I bring the kids!" I exclaim, stumbling. 

"Mhmm. Supposed to hmm? Besides I already finished greeting the guests and it's no fun without you," Tedros winked. I rolled my eyes. Always so cocky. 

"Well c'mon guys, I've received word that the King of Putsi and the Princess of Altazarra are coming in shortly," I tell them.

"The King of Putsi?!" Belle exclaims, her eyes shining. "I heard that he's simply divine. And rich! He's not that old, is he? Perhaps I can see if my mother has connections to him..." Belle rambled off, scheming. 

I swallow in a laugh. Belle is the same as her mother, always scheming and looking for love. I look at Belle sadly as I know that Putsi's King has been recently married. I look back to see Lynn gagging at Belle, laughing with Liam. I shoot her a sharp look, which seems to mollify her a bit. 

Tedros puts an arm around my waist as the guards fling open the double doors to the ballroom. Perfect timing, I think as I settle myself onto one of the thrones. Tedros sits in the other, Excalibur next to him. My navy blue dress hangs off my shoulders, showing off milky smooth skin. The dress narrows at my waist and then widens around my hips. Gold trim is sprinkled in my dress, matching Lynn's dress.

There were two more thrones next to our thrones. Those slightly smaller thrones belonged to my daughter and my son. Lynn sat regally to my left and Liam sat next to Tedros.

"What about me?" Belle asked, eyeing the thrones. I stiffened. We forgot about Belle.

"Oh, Belle. Well, you will be standing next to my mother and Tedros' parents. See there?" I gestured to Tedros' parents and my mother, who were standing at the bottom of the thrones. 

"WHAT?! HOW COULD ANYONE HAVE THE AUDACITY  TO PUT BE LOWER THAN HER?!" Belle stabbed a shaking, furious finger at Lynn. 

"Belle, please, the guests are coming now. Just please, remember that this is your last night at Camelot before you go to the School for Good and Evil. We hosted this ball in your honor and to wish you luck in the School for Good and Evil. You're 16 now, please think about your actions," I pleaded to Belle, hoping she wouldn't make a scene. 

The double doors swung open and a gravelly man's voice rang through the room. 

"Announcing, Queen Jacinda of Jaunt Jolie!" Queen Jacinda, wore a regal forest green dress that flowed out behind her. Her sleeves were long and billous, and she had put on a darker green shawl around her shoulders. She had grown out her luscious butterscotch hair and her crown glittered menacingly on her delicate head. 

"Greetings," Queen Jacinda greeted them, smiling. Belle smiled stiffly, as the Queen had not addressed her. 

"Thank you for coming, Queen Jacinda," Tedros and I greet her, smiling back. Queen Jacinda glided to a corner of the ballroom, anticipating the next royals. 

"Announcing, King Dutra of Foxwood!" A short, shambling man shuffled in, smiling with all teeth at Agatha. 

"Agatha, love, it's so good to see you!" King Dutra exclaimed. Tedros bristled next to me and held a firmer grip on my waist. Tedros politely snipped,

"I didn't realize we were on a first name basis," I stiffly greeted King Dutra, 

"It's good to see you too, King Dutra," Tedros dismissed him with a nod and turned to the next royal. King Dutra shambled off to Queen Jacinda, flirting with her shamelessly. Queen Jacinda seemed to insult him politely and King Dutra backed off, grumbling.

"Announcing, King Teapea of Gnomeland!" A bald, wrinkled cat glided in regally with a small crown on his head. King Teapea was Reaper, my cat, who had two very different lives. He was a house cat, and also the king of the gnomes. 

"Reaper!" I smile warmly. "We're so glad you made it here," I say, while Reaper and Tedros have a glaring contest. 

"Yes, of course, I would come," Reaper said, smiling at me before glaring at Tedros again. After my husband once threw Reaper in the toilet, their relationship soured. King Teapea, or Reaper, glided next to Queen Jacinda, offering a nod. Queen Jacinda and King Teapea have a rather unusual alliance, with Reaper and his kingdom helping Queen Jacinda with the pesky pirates while Queen Jacinda helps the gnomes by defeating giants that often stray too far into Gnomeland. 

"Announcing the Sultan Adeen of Shazabah!" a short, red-faced man came puffing in through the doors. 

"Agatha, dear, hello!" The Sultan greeted, coming a little too close to me. I backed up reflexively and greeted him back, 

"Hello Sultan of Shazabah," The Sultan hungrily looked at my chest and legs. My legs were shown because my dress had a long slit that went up almost until my waist. I was starting to regret wearing this dress.

"I heard of your recent, ahem, activities near Maidenville. I hope you were not too embarrassed. After all, imagine a King and a lowly servant sleeping together! What a scandal, what a scandal..." Tedros retorted, defending me. The Sultan became beet red and staggered off near the other royals, where Queen Jacinda was holding back a laugh. 

This was going to be a long night. 

At least it was going to be interesting. 

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