Chapter 3

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Before this Ball, I never thought that being Queen would be so hard. I watched as my mother struggled to be polite as more and more annoying, to say the least, royals came through that door. I watched my father defend Mom more than once, never missing a beat. I watched them with awe, hoping that someday I would love someone as much as they do. What is wrong with me? I never, and I mean never, thought about love and couples and that mushy stuff. That was Liam's job! I need to stop going to Balls. Yes, that's it. These cursed Balls are distorting my brain. 

After all the royals finished greeting my parents, the musicians started the music. A few confident royal couples danced on the dance floor, as my parents eased down to the crowd and laughter. 

"C'mon!" Alicia, my best friend, and daughter of Reena and Jeevan, tugged on my arm, urging me to dance. 

I glanced at my parents, who were chatting with Beatrix and Chaddick, Reena and Jeevan, Kiko and Tristan, and Hort and Sophie. They were all so close before and even closer now. All of them were in pairs, married, or in a relationship. Except Nicola. She sat scowling in a corner, her bright orange dress sharpening her already sharp features. Her brown curls floated on her shoulders. She looked beautiful, if not for her scowl and bad attitude. I stifle a sigh. I don't understand how Mom keeps inviting her to Balls and such. Maybe for Nicola to find a prince. Maybe she could marry the Sultan or King Dutra. I stifle a snort. Mom would surely scold me if she knew what I was thinking. 

"Yeah, sure," I answer to Alicia, who was already on the dance floor. Alicia was dressed in a pale pink dress that cut off at her thigh. The dress had no sleeves but a lacy neckline. The dress hugged her curves perfectly and the dress bounced, like Alicia's personality. I was wearing a midnight blue dress that flowed down to my feet and gold leaves stitched onto my neckline. As soon as we stepped onto the dance floor a gaggle of royal princes surrounded us, each giving us their hand. 

Ugh. I gagged inwardly and took a boy's hand at random. I tried not to dance at Balls but Alicia always managed to make me dance a few. Remember, you should dance no more than three dances with one prince, or else it will be a scandal. My dance instructor's voice rang in my head. As if I wanted to dance once, let alone three times. 

Alicia giggled and took the most handsome boy's hand, and flounced off to dance with him. Most people would never guessed that I would be friends, let alone best friends with Alicia. She had such a different personality than mine. But we had more in common than most people thought. We both loved animals and books and always wrote stories. Suddenly I'm grateful to know this other side of my bubbly best friend. I smiled kindly to the boy, his hands resting on my waist. He's better than most boys I danced with. At least he respected my privacy and space. As we waltzed to a slow dance, he leaned in and started my worst part of dancing. Conversation. 

"It's an honor to meet you, Princess Lynn," He starts, smiling. The prince had elegant dark brown hair that was styled nicely. He a wore light blue suit with gold accents, signaling that he was probably from the kingdom of Ginnymill, the home of Merlin, Hansel, and Gretel. 

"Are you from the kingdom of Ginnymill?" I asked, curious. 

"Yes, my name is Prince Ivar of Ginnymill,"

"I hope you are enjoying your stay at Camelot," I continue politely.

"Yes, amazing gardens you have," Prince Ivar answered. The song ended and another slow song started. "Would you like to dance another?" He asked, flushing. I hesitated, sure, Prince Ivar was nice and all, but I didn't want to dance ANOTHER one with him. Besides, I saw Alicia waving to me from our table. 

"I'd love to really, but my friend is calling for me," I say apologetically, ducking from view as I sped to Alicia. 

"Lynn! Look who I found!" Alicia exclaimed, dragging me to our table. Our table is where Mom and Dad's friends' kids sit. Next to us is a table filled with our parents. Dad, Mom, Beatrix, Chaddick, Reena, Jeevan, Kiko, Tristan, Hort, Sophie, and Nicola sit together, immersed in their conversation. 

Their kids sit at our table. Me, Liam, Irene, Nicholas, Aiden, Alicia, Lucas, Scarlett, Jade, Riley, Elijah, Aurora, and Belle. 

"Hi guys," I greet them, sitting next to Alicia and Lucas. Everyone echoes my greeting before laughter bubbles up in our conversations again. 

"Who thinks this Ball is boring?" Scarlett asks, her face smushed against the table. Again, everyone echoes their agreement except Belle, who looks shocked. 

"I have an idea!" Jade exclaims, shooting out of her seat. "Let's explore Camelot castle!"

"Where?" Liam asks, raising an eyebrow. 

"I don't know, maybe the DUNGEONS," Riley booms, tickling Liam as he says it. 

"Let's go," Lucas claims, getting out of his chair. A chorus of yeses rings out and we're off to another adventure. 

A/N - Sorry if these new characters are hard to remember!! Here's a chart of the kids in order of age: 

1. Agatha & Tedros - Lynn (F) and Liam (M) they're twins

2. Beatrix & Chaddick - Irene (F), Nicholas (M), and Aiden (M)

3. Reena & Jeevan - Alicia (F), Lucas (M), Scarlett (F), and Jade (F)

4. Kiko & Tristan - Riley (M), Elijah (M), and Aurora (F)

5. Hort & Sophie - Belle (F)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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