7- Saathiya

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I literally titled it kp-os when I began writing it lol. So this is based on truth revelation. Yes it is not as dramatic as itv and some ffs I have read but I wanted to write it this way. After seeing today's episode, the way Abhira understands Armaan wordlessly, idk, i couldn't envision anything except what I have written here. It is direct and simple and I hope you'll all like it.
Title is again random because this is the only thing that came to my mind. If anybody gets a better title, do tell me.


"And when I lifted my eyes to your name,
suddenly your heart showed me my way"
-Pablo Neruda


Her flight has never been a descent in the frontiers of her soul, even at the worst phase of her life when she lost her only family, her Mumma. Now though, it feels like she's in freefall, still miles away from splattering on the hard ground but also speeding towards it, left to the mercy of this agony that pulls like gravity, luring her mercilessly to submerged depths while she flounders to spread her wings desperately. A multifaceted storm, of primal emotions, visceral reactions and subconscious cues picked over time, swivels within her, coloring the azure skies of her mindscape with gray storm clouds.
For as long as she's known verity, she's known that it might be harsh, bitter but never unacceptable. Ruhi's 'verity' wrecks everything within her - her defence barrier screaming betrayal and ready for a warcry, the fortress concealed within shuddering under the onslaught of grief, even as a slowly tightening gold string flutters in the enclosed core of her being, undeterred and resolute. Spoken in a voice replete with yearning, Ruhi's 'verity' is something that screams to be believed but she still struggles to do so completely.

The motions of her body are monotonous, mechanically following her routine while her bubbly aura lies subdued under the duress of her internal storm. Amidst the conflicting feelings in her heart regarding her husband, Ruhi's 'verity' augments the complexity while also striking right at the fundamental base behind it. It's all one big mess and she realises she needs to be away, left to slowly unentangle the mess as she processes it. Because despite everything, the hurt in her is so profound that it feels like an abyss that will swallow her in. He had divulged the truth of their marriage to Ruhi, betraying her trust but it hadn't seemed prudent to him to tell her, that his chitwali was in his own family, his younger brother's wife whom he called a close friend. It tears at her, an anger sheathed in waves of agony, that she trusted him with everything while he couldn't trust her enough to reveal something like this despite her repeated questioning. That he would trust Ruhi with their truth but not her with his and Ruhi's!

She hasn't spoken a word to him that hasn't been absolutely necessary for her to do so. There is a formality in her, similar to what had been in the early days of their marriage amidst all the awkwardness and loss yet it's different in a way he can't pinpoint. What he can assuredly agree is that he does not like it. Not one bit. Listening to her bak-bak has become his habit. It makes him stupidly happy when she fights with him like that. With her incessant chatter and animated expressions, she takes him away from all the burdens and responsibilities weighing down on him. Her aura, sunshine and warmth enveloping him, always soothes him, bringing in a tranquility he's never known before.
Now the muted shine of her aura, her formal smiles and repeated denial in indulging in any of it, tugs at him with a mix of hurt, anger, confusion and frustration as he cannot fathom what went wrong! Dressed in a yellow suit, his sunshine today looks eclipsed with the way her eyebrows furrow and her hands tremor silently. He tries to study her silently, trying to decipher what went so wrong that she has resorted to silence because his unstoppable bad-bad queen is somebody who rips his buttons off his shirt when angry with him and confronts him with tears that assault his heart when upset with him. This mural of silence is not the force of life that Abhira is!

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