Chapter 2

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Two months have past and the baby has grown. I've changed my life style but still do ninja work.

Right now, I'm walking up to the museum, having received a call a nightwatcher was attacked. Walking in, I see two others talking. "Oh, we feel safer already, the red ninja is here." One says. "Where's the guard." I ask.

"He's over there, hasn't said much." The other said, waving. I walk over to to the watcher and ask "Did you see the guy that did this."

The watchman grabs my hand and runs down a hall. We enter a room and he shuts the doors. "I was knocked out. When I came to, I found the only thing stolen was that wasn't even on display. Just a worthless old armor brass plate they call "The Allied Armor of Azure." He said.

"Why leave all these priceless relics and take that." I ask, looking at the artifacts. I don't pay attention to the watchman as he talks. "Oh, I don't know. Maybe it's because when you're in trouble, they say it's got the power to summon allies, whether they be friends, foes, even spirits from the Cursed Realm." I perk up and dive to the side when he swings a sledgehammer.

Kicking his leg, I shove hem and he falls into a create. A shadow appears as it goes to a picture of Chen. "Someone was in my head." The watchman said as I break the picture.

The statue of a hypnobri grabs me as the ghost possesses a pile of sand. "I have plans for you." The ghost says and he charges at me and possesses me. 'No. Stop. Please. I have a kid on the way.' I say as I'm locked deep in my subconscious.

'Sure you do, your just saying that so I don't use you.' Morro says as he takes control of my body. I'm plunged into darkness for who knows how long. When I open my own eyes, I'm in a cage. "Don't think of this as a break, I still need you." Morro said.

"Please, listen to me. If you continue to do this, my baby will die. I'm pregnant, not my girlfriend or wife. I'm an omega." I pled, holding my belly. The look on Morro's face changes as soularcher flies over.

"He's telling the truth. I can sense the child." She says. Morro comes to the cage and opens it. "The preeminent wants me to find the realm crystal. To bring her here to destroy Ninjago. I thought the ninja were here, where is the green one." He asks as I step out.

"Don't know, they left." I say. "We do need to find the crystal. What if others try to find it. That could be bad." Morro says and then shuffles his feet. "You think I'll send you back, no. Your now my brother and comrade. Though I do hate that you possessed me, I forgive you." I say, touching his shoulder.

Morro, Soul Archer and Banchee come over and we team up. Coming to the temple in the cloud kingdom, we get the sword of sanctuary and head to the shop. With a map of Ninjago on the table, Morro lays the sword down and an X appears on the map. I mark it "Lets go. Morro, I'll let you possessed me to the cave." I say and he nods.

We conjoin and I feel hem in the back of my mind. 'You okay.' I ask. 'I've never possessed someone willingly. It feels weird.' Morro said. I chuckle and make my dragon. Its bigger and the flames burn more wild. 'How' 'our elements have mixed, that's he'll fire.' Morro explains as I climb on Blitz.

Flying out to the cave, when we get near the water entrance, Blitz disappears and I dive as Morro uses the air to form a sphere of air around me. Hitting the water, I swim to the cave and we come out in a cavern. With the sword, we make it to the tomb and Morro picks up the crystal.

He brings it back and I place it in the bag on my back as we walk out, Soul Archer waiting with a boat. Coming back to the monastery, I see its halfway to being rebuilt. "I called a few friends." Soul Archer said. I smile and we help, the monastery done when I'm four months pregnant.

Morro and the two stay with me as I move my stuff into the monastery. Laying down after a long day of moving, I smile at how everything has fallen. Closing my eyes, Morro keeps watch as I sleep. He joins me in my dreams and we train for hours in the art of the old ways

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