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"Look at this Vaggie!" Charlie yells.

She starts sliding down the poll. Vaggie smiles and claps her hand. They're like children sometimes. I let out a breath. I take out a cigarette. I ignite fire in my hand.  Rosie looks at me. I look back at her.

"What?" I ask.

"I like this." She smiles.

"It is rather splendid." I lean back.

"Are you sure you're alright?" She lifts an eyebrow. 

"It's hard to explain." I sigh.

Then a massive energy beam rains down. Rosie and I turn our heads. The light... they're back. Vaggie and Charlie look up. I stand up. What could they possibly want from me this time? I guess Dad was right. Crap. I hate thinking that. Figures dressed in armor. They look brighter than the stars. They burn the ground. There were four of them. They each had a weapon in their hands. 

"Good afternoon gentleman. Pleasure to be meeting you, quite a pleassure." I say walking forward.

"Alastor Altruist the Creators find you a treason from the order of creation." One walks forward.

"Hah. That's quite a compliment." I say.

"Silence! You must be terminated." Another one says.

"Come and try." My eyes turn black.

ℛꕤ𓍼⋆ ℱഒǂ 3, Chaos vs. CreationWhere stories live. Discover now