The Trip- Part 3

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Hinami brought a bottle and put it in the middle of us. 

" Ok, who wants to go first? " she asked 

No one really minded who's gonna be first or second. I decided to not be first so I could see what the questions, answers and dares would look like. 

" Ok, then I'll be first " Mizusawa said

He took the bottle in his hand and spinned it. It landed on Hinami.

" Ohhhh, Aoi!~ " Minami exclaimed, hyping up the mood.

" What do you choose, Aoi? " Mizusawa asked

" Hmmm... I'll go with dare "

The group gasped a bit in surprise at her words. Was it unusual to pick dare? I thought.

Mizusawa thought about it for a second, then he looked at her with a grin.

" I'd like a lap pillow " he declared

His words made Hinami's eyes widen as she sighed in approval. Nakamura, Takei and Minami had a grin on their face, while Izumi had a flustered expression.

" Alright, sit tight " Hinami said as she lightly tapped her thighs

" Don't mind if I do " he said, sitting up and going over to her

We watched in silence as he stayed in that position for over a minute, until Hinami slapped his forehead.

" I think it's enough, don't you think?~ " she said giggling

" Huh? Already?~ But it's so comfortable here..~ " he said in a sad and teasing voice

He eventually got up and went to his original spot so we could continue the game. It was Hinami's turn now. 
She picked up the bottle and spun it as well. It landed on Izumi. I could see a malicious grin on her face as she looked at her.

" What do you choose, Yuzu-chan? Hm? You wouldn't chicken out and pick truth, would you? " Hinami said, pressuring Izumi

" Eh? Uh.. I-I don't know... I think I'll pick da- " 

She almost said that she picked dare but Nakamura stepped in before she could finish the word.

" Hey, Hinami, don't pressure her into picking dare if she doesn't want to " he said glaring at Hinami
" You can pick whatever you want, Yuzu " he continued

I could see Hinami still grinning even after she was told off, it most likely went as she predicted. Besides, as Nakamura stepped up for Izumi, I could see her blushing looking at him.

" Oh, sorry for that, Yuzu-chan, I didn't wanna influence your answer~ " she said in a fake and apologetic way, that friends use most of the time

She was clearly lying, but I don't think they suspected anything.

" N-no, it's alright, but I will choose truth then.. " she said, confirming her answer

" Ok.. then.. hmmm.. " Hinami said as she was looking around the group
" Is it true that you wanted someone else to be your neighbour in class, instead of Ayanokoji-kun? " Hinami asked

What a weird question to ask.

" Eh? What a weird question.. " she said a bit embarrassed
" Y-yea, it's true.. " she admitted a bit embarrassed " But only for the 1st year! " she continued looking up at me, trying to clarify a misunderstanding

" You don't have to worry, I already knew that " I responded

She sighed in relief.

" Ok.. I think it's my turn now " she said as she spun the bottle.

It landed on Takei this time. He seemed hyped about it for some reason.

God-Tier Character Ayanokoji KiyotakaWhere stories live. Discover now