The Dragon - Part 2

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A beautiful day of wednesday in the month of May.

The purple haired man just arrived home with his groceries. His stomach begun grumbling from the hunger.

" I'm home " he said, an uninterested tone being hard to not be noticed

" Welcome home~ "

An angelic voice, soft and caring echoed through the hallway.

" Yeah, yeah. Hurry up and make some dinner. I'm starvin' "

" Sure thing~ "

Ryuuen changed his clothes and let his body collapse on the couch. Then with his right hand, pressed a green button on the remote, turning on the TV in front of him.

" Oh? You don't usually watch TV. Are you expecting something? "

" It's none of your damn business. Now go on with making dinner "

The woman, used to this type of demeanor from Ryuuen, pouted slightly before minding her own business.

"I will! Hmph! "

But why would she obey whatever Ryuuen was saying? 

Simply because of what happened in the past.

Ryuuen Kakeru - 13 years old. Ryuuen Shinjii - 44 years old, Ryuuen Kakeru's father.
Ryuuen Kana - 33 years old, Ryuuen Kakeru's step mother.

Given that Ryuuen Kakeru's biological mother died when he was born, his father wasn't very fond of him, blaming and insulting him whenever he had the chance to. Not to mention the lack of his studies because of the environment.

And because Ryuuen's biological mother died giving birth to Ryuuen Kakeru, the father hit rock bottom, gave in to alcohol and is even now not on the right track.

But being like this, Ryuuen Kakeru's mentality matured much quicker than people his age. He faced the cruel reality of this world, in a difficult way.

Whenever Ryuuen Shinnji would come home from work, he'd reek of alcohol to the point where he'd start smashing things in the house.

But it wasn't like this all the time. Because Ryuuen Shinjii already had an affair with another woman, while still married to Ryuuen Kakeru's mother. That was why, a sense of guilt couldn't make him inflict physical pain on his son. Or at least, not in a severe and constant way. Ryuuen Kakeru would experience the abuse of an adult from time to time, but because of another person, he made sure that he'd keep going forward.

Ryuuen Shinjii immediately married the other woman, which was now going by the name of Ryuuen as well. Thus making the woman named Kana, Ryuuen Kakeru's step mother.

It did seem that the life with Ryuuen Kakeru's biological mother was far more delightful to Ryuuen Shinjii, making the other woman in his life just a way of eliminating the lust, regardless of what Kana would think of him or their relationship.

Inside her heart however, it was clear that she loved him. That was why she accepted to be his second.

But this way of life, would eventually bring a catastrophic end. Ryuuen Shinjii eventually impregnated his wife. They were the happiest couple you could find, the joy of having a kid on the way with the loved one, is overwhelming. However.. the joyful woman had a big secret as well. She was incredibly sick, growing weaker day by day.

That was why, she wanted to leave something for the love of her life, before it was too late. She wanted, through her baby, to leave something to her dear husband.

The plan and joyful thoughts vanished quickly however.

That was because, 1 day, while doing her groceries, a thought about her husband came to mind. She was now 7 months pregnant, so she couldn't do much around the house, but she just had to do something for her dear husband.

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