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I could see her pouting and her angry glares as we were eating. Of course, they were friendly.. hopefully... 

Was it because I beat her so many times on a game that should be luck reliant? Maybe I should've just left it to luck after all, that's my bad. 

" So, is it to your liking, Ayanokoji-kun? "

" Yes, it's delicious "

The food she made was really well prepared. The warmth of being made with 'love' was apparent and the taste was on a different plane of existence compared to my cooking. Having someone cook for me.. I must say that is really pleasant. Of course, I had many chefs that were cooking for me in the White Room, but this is a different thing.

" Then.." she said as she put her hands together, giving a malicious yet gentle smile " If you like it so much, Mii-chan could bring you some at school too~ Wouldn't that be wonderful?~ " 

Minami, taken by surprise by such an idea, spat up the food that she had inside her mouth, making her cough.

" As much as I'd like that, I can't possibly accept such an offer. It would be too much of a burden for you, Nana- "

She immediately glared swords at me as soon as I mentioned her name. 

" A-ya-no-ko-ji-kun..! What did we discuss before dinner?~ " 

Did I just sense killing intent? Her smile was gentle yet frightening. Who is this woman..?

" Well.. it's not like I can actually call you that.. "

" Hmmm.. yeah, it's probably too soon for that.. how about my first name then?~ "

I sighed internally. I just wanted to enjoy my meal.. but why is Minami not saying anything about all this? That was simply because she didn't had any idea about what to say anymore. I guess she just accepted it.

" How about Keiko-san then? "

I, personally, wouldn't use or care about honorifics, but Matsuo taught me that they are very important for people, so I just adapted to it. It doesn't bother me.

" Oh, you remembered my first name, that's amazing~ "

" Mom, just let him eat.. " Minami said

She finally decided to step in  I thought

" Oh, that's right. Sorry, Ayanokoji-kun~ "

" No.. it's nothing "

And so, I enjoyed my free and warm homemade meal. As I finished first, I waited for both of them to finish as well. It would've been rude to just leave the table all of a sudden.

As I was just blankly staring at both of them, a sudden thought came to mind. Was Minami's father absent? It is not strange nor rare for a member of a family to leave, but it's remarkable how they seem so cheerful even though they do not have a male figure in the household. A man is something that provides, cares and makes the opposite sex feel safe when he's around, but those 2 do not seem to be bothered by it. I wonder.. what could've lead to it? Was their relationship severed? Or perhaps.. something darker?

Usually, when a man or a woman remain without their partner, they tend to have their place darker. Without many pictures or the paint being usually brown or black. But they do not have any of those signs, their house is colorful and with many pictures. I believe I even saw a picture of Minami's father when I played rock - paper - scissors with her. It's interesting, this family. They're strong both morally and mentally.

" So.. how was school today? " Keiko said

Me and Minami both looked at each other at the same time. It seems like she was asking for permission to tell her mother about my situation. I nodded slightly in approvement.

God-Tier Character Ayanokoji KiyotakaWhere stories live. Discover now