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ashton's p.o.v
we arrive in front of my house still listening to cayla's music. I take out the earphone and give it to cayla as I unlock the door. we walk inside and I show cayla around.
"my rooms upstairs if you wanna go there" I say gesturing that we head upstairs.
cayla smiles and turns to face the stairs. she starts walking and I closely follow. we get to the top and I lead the way to my room. Harry and Lauren's rooms are also up here so I point those out to cayla. opening the door I pray that my room is clean. only thing on the floor are some drumsticks and my laptop. that's ok I guess. I walk in and cayla follows, looking around at everything in the room. "not that interesting really" I say while dumping my bag near the door.

cayla's p.o.v
wow. his room is so cool. it's very big and on one wall there is a green day poster, a
blink -182 poster and an all time low poster. I think that's my favourite wall.
"so ash I've been wondering, in music yesterday and today, you keep looking at me. why?" I did it. I asked and Ashton seems embarrassed.
"because I... i.. I think you're beautiful cayla. please don't let this change anything I'm sorry if it's weird I just can't stop myself from looking at you. sometimes I don't even realise I'm doing it until you look back at me." he says without pausing.
well that's strange. I don't think I should tell him I find him attractive just yet. we need to get closer before that happens. I feel myself blushing.
"oh, thanks Ashton no ones said that before. so um why don't you show me your drums?" I try to change topic as I can tell he doesn't really want to talk about this. I have to remember we only just started talking for gods sake.

I follow Ashton downstairs into a room that I assume is the garage. in one corner is a shiny silver drum set. Ashton walks over and takes a seat grabbing the drumsticks off the floor next to him. "what should I play?" he asks looking over to me.
"anything you want irwin" he starts laughing at me for what I call him. we only started talking yesterday but I feel so comfortable with him. he starts playing a beat and wow. I know he's a good drummer from music class but in class he's restricted to what the teacher gives him. he's amazing. and he looks so happy drumming, it's what he's meant to do.
he finishes off playing and asks if I want a go.

ashton's p.o.v
"so do you want a go?" I ask standing up from the seat. I don't think she was expecting me to ask that by the look on her face. "sure but I've never played before" she nods and laughs a little. she has a cute laugh. no shutup Ashton I can't get attached, not yet.
I gesture for her to come over and I hand her the drumsticks. she sits down and I help out by telling her what drums to hit and when. turns out cayla is pretty clumsy. she tries to get a beat going but keeps hitting the wrong drum. I walk around behind her and reach out my arms to hold her hands and guide her. nothing. no reaction at all came from her. either she feels comfortable or she is just very determined to play these drums. "once you get a rhythm it'll feel comfortable and natural" I say looking down to see her biting her lip. she seems pretty focused and not one bit bothered by the contact between us.
after a while she gets the hang of it and we head back upstairs. it's 3:00 now so we have 30 minutes until either of my siblings get home to tease me about having a girl over. every time I even say a girls name around them they automatically start saying I have a girlfriend. it's not that easy. "so what would you like to do?" I ask sitting down on my bed. "I wanna know more about this band." she says turning around to look at me. I would love to be a part of their band but they all go to a different school together and I think it would be difficult to keep up with them. then again, I've always wanted to be in a band, and it would be fun, and good for my drumming. "ok, what do you want to know?" a smile grows on her face. she must be very interested in this band if she still wants to talk about it. "why don't they have a drummer?" cayla asks sitting next to me on the bed. "I don't know I guess they didn't really think of it." we talk about the band for a while and I hear the front door open.
"oh no. Harry and Lauren are home. please don't listen to anything they say!" assuming that they are going to act like cayla's my girlfriend this could get awkward.
"ash!! are you home?" I hear my mum yell from downstairs. where else would I be I have no one to hang out with. "yes I'm up in my room" I look over to cayla and she seems bothered. "you ok? they're nice, just pretty upfront." God I hope Lauren and Harry stay out of it. I love them but I don't want them to make things awkward now.
"yeah I'm fine," suddenly a smile grows on cayla's face. "can we go meet them?" oh no.
"yeah sure thing!" we stand up and I lead the way out the door. slowly walking to the stairs I see Harry at the bottom starting to walk up. "hey ash! we had soccer today and. who's that!?" he asks pointing to cayla. "hi Harry I'm cayla, Ashton's friend" ok this could be going worse. not bad so far. they introduce themselves and we continue into the kitchen. "hey mum, this is my friend cayla." she's writing something down when I say that and she quickly looks up smiling. mum is always happy it's great.
"hello cayla, Ashton's getting closer to the girls I see!" they both start laughing. this is why I didn't want them to meet just yet. Lauren walks in from the living room and doesn't even blink an eye to cayla. she probably heard the conversation from the other room. "Lauren this is cayla, Ashton's friend" mum says making Lauren turn from the fridge. "hey Ashton's girlfriend" smiling, she turns back to the fridge. I look over to cayla and she's blushing at the floor. I wish I could call her my girlfriend.

cayla's p.o.v
we start walking back upstairs and I check the time on my phone. 3:45.
"i should probably go home now ash, it was nice hanging out and meeting your family. see you tomorrow at school!" I grab my bag and head to the door.
"see ya cayla! we should do this more, you're great on drums!" he says with a laugh. both him and I know I was awful. I nod my head and walk out the door. I turn into the kitchen to say goodbye but nobody is there. I walk to the front door and out onto the footpath. this was really cool. Ashton's so nice, and when he helped me on drums he was so gentle. like he was scared of hurting me. I wonder where his dad was. maybe he works late or something. I continue walking down the path and onto my street. we really don't live that far apart. I come up to our front door and head inside. mums not home which is strange. usually she gets home earlier than me. and she went to work early this morning. I unpack my bag and go up to my room. no notifications on my phone so I put on some music and start my homework.
As I'm writing down notes a message pops up from Ashton.
a- guess what!
c- what mr irwin?
a- I just got a message from Calum asking if I want to play for them at a gig on Saturday!
c- omg Ashton that's amazing! you have to do it I won't let you say no!
a- alright boss! I'm so excited, thanks for making me do it!
c- no problem, I gtg but I'm so happy for you! I'll see you tomorrow
a- yeah, see ya cayla

I put the phone on my bedside table and lay back down on my bed. Ashton is playing a gig. holy shit. I'm so happy for him, he obviously wanted to be part of the band and now he gets to play for them. it's 9:40 now so I guess I should've had dinner. oh well not that hungry anyway. I go into the bathroom and do all I have to do. hair, teeth, wash my face. I get into my pyjamas and hop back on my bed. 9:55 now. time to go on my phone. scrolling through Twitter and nothing interesting shows up. Instagram's the same. nothing interesting.
I decide to do a bit of stalking and find Ashton's Instagram. I go through his following list and find Calum's account. clicking on it I see in his bio,
in a band- 5 seconds of summer.
interesting name, I wonder what it means. maybe Ashton can tell me tomorrow.

the drummer; a.iHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin