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"Mr. Potter, please stay after class." McGonagall said, pinching her lips in a thin line. Harry rolled his eyes and nodded walking up to the front of the transfiguration classroom.

He tried his best not to take his anger out on McGonagall, she was after all having to teach classes and run a school. They hadn't found anyone willing to take the position yet.

Hell they almost made Severus teach potions from his portrait, which got McGonagall a warm and friendly glare and grunt her way. They managed to hire a young potions master, not much older than Severus was when he started, and they also found a similar defense teacher, though he wasn't very good.

"Yes headmistress?" Harry pushed out as politely as he could. He figured from where he stood he did a poor job, and McGonagall's eye twitched slightly in annoyance.

"Mr. Potter- Harry, I know this year has to be tough. I'm very proud of you for returning even though you'd clearly rather be anywhere else. It shows great bravery and determination, however, you're neglecting your Pen pal assignment. Can you explain to me why?"

Harry sighed, "I just think it's dumb. I don't want to talk to anyone, and I know that a lot of people went through hell but none of them would understand what I went through. I just want it all to go away."

He partially bit out the last part, and looked down, missing the look of pity on McGonagall's face. "I understand Mr. Potter, and you're not the first to think this project is dumb but I happen to think it was one of my more brilliant ideas. All I'm asking for is a chance. Write back, and see where it goes. If it doesn't work, so be it."

Harry wanted to roll his eyes again, but more importantly he wanted to be anywhere but here. He nodded, "alright Professor, I will try. I'm sorry for coming off rude." He smiled sheepishly up at her, he knew she meant well and he really did care for McGonagall.

"Quite alright Harry, I just want to see you do well this year." McGonagall finally smiled at the boy, just wishing she could help him more. He'd been through so much.


Later that evening Harry grabbed some parchment and a quill, sitting down with a huff.

Dear Pen Pal,

I haven't thought of a nickname yet, and no that's not why I took all week to respond. I'm sorry that it took me so long, I am struggling with this exercise.

I don't really see the point in talking, I mean the war came, people died, and then we moved on. Though it wasn't as easy to move on I guess, in fact I personally don't think I have.

Yet everyone else expects me to have.

I didn't wanna return for eighth year, and now that I'm here I just wish I was anywhere else. I used to have big dreams, ambitions, and goals even and now I can't begin to see a future past surviving today.

It gets really hard sometimes you know? Everyone around just stares in pity and sympathy, and I should appreciate it. I know that.. but I don't. I can't.

I am not sure where I'm going with this, all I know is I'm tired, so I apologize if my replies aren't in perfect time, or my letters aren't charming. I'm sorry.

-Yours truly


Harry sighed finishing up his letter, it's the most he could do. Hopefully his pen pal who had kept up with writing everyday understood.

He walked to the owlery to give his letter to the special owls McGonagall set up for them and decided too quickly to run out. Sighing and shaking as he thought of Hedwig.

Harry was tired. Absolutely drained. He wanted to live, before when he found out he could return to defeat Voldemort. Now though? What purpose did he have, besides having so many people to guilt over.

He decided to head back to his dorm. He would've headed to lunch but he simply wasn't hungry, and he was sure before too long his friends would show up scolding him for it.


Draco was eating lunch when the letter showed up, and he sighed in relief. He was worried he'd said or done something wrong. That somehow his pen pal figured out who he was.

As he read the letter though, he frowned. His pen pal seemed to have been severely affected by the war. That makes two of us, Draco thought pathetically.

He knew he shouldn't be allowed to feel that way. He was a death eater after all, and something about this person made him know instantly he was not.

Draco had come to terms with being the death eater awhile ago, no one would ever see him the same, and he didn't blame his father for that. Sure he did what he had to do for his father and mother, but he'd been excited at first. Wasn't that disgusting?

He wanted to be a death eater, and only realized too late that no one should want this. Of course Draco dealt with his own loss, his Godfather was gone, his father was in Azkaban (granted for a much shorter time than he thought possible, thanks to Potter). Yet he couldn't let himself feel self pity, and he hated when others did it for him. So he related to his pen pal in that way.

Sighing he got up and left the great hall, going to return his pen pals gesture. Hopefully if he kept up steady letters they'd eventually come around.


Dear pen pal,

You can call me whatever you'd like, maybe it would make it easier if you knew I was a boy. I don't think we are unable to share that information, I truly don't remember.

Do not apologize, and take your time responding. We are all healing in our own ways and I think that's exactly what McGonagall wanted to portray with the exercise. It lets us see it from another's perspective, healing is not linear.

I'm glad you said what you did about moving on, seeing as people don't feel what we feel. The ministry and all of those people who sat back and watched while a bunch of kids fought in a war, they don't understand.

You don't have to move on yet, and I think it's silly that people expect you to. Thank you, despite how hard I'm sure it was, for opening up a bit to me.

I hope that you have a better tomorrow, and a good rest of today my friend.


Well, me still I guess.


A/N ta-daaaa!! Only a month late😌
Draco and Harry not knowing how to sign off their letters is canon

Sorry this was late, if you didn't see my message board.. I'm pregnant! Haha and I've been very very exhausted lately. So I apologize for slow updates.

Hope you enjoyed loves.

Much love,


Pen Pal (Drarry) HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now