Prologue: Finding the RoR (Edited)

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A/N: edited 3/6/2024 I know I just posted this yesterday but I decided to make a change Fred and George will not be Genderbent as I come up with a new idea that won't be known until later on.


"Prat" -talking

'Dumbfuck' -thinking

"Enough" -familiars speaking/beast speak/gobbledygook

'Interesting' -familiars/magical creature/goblin thinking

§open§ -Parseltongue

"Hello" - speaking a different language

Hello -letters/news

'Salazar'- will being read/memories being seen/visions

Prologue: Finding the RoR


¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤Start Chapter¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤

Third Pov:

It was mid-evening and all classes were done for the day for all Hogwarts students. At this time we see Harry stumbling out of the hospital wing in a daze. Right now he was supposed to be on the quidditch pitch playing a game against the Slytherin but the game had been cancelled due to another attack. When McGonagall informed them of the cancelled game she had also pulled Harry away. She had taken both Harry and Ron to the hospital wing where the petrified victims were. Mcgonagall had taken them to the hospital wing because of who was the newest petrified victim was. When Harry saw who it was his entire world felt that it had begun to crumble right under him. The latest petrified victim was none other than his female best friend and crush Hermione Granger. Harry had stayed there saying nothing completely ignoring McGonagall as she talked about where she had been found all while he held her cold petrified hand. Harry knew Hermione was still alive yet seeing her in the hospital wing like that shook him to his core.

She was stiff and cold she looked almost like a corpse while she layed in the hospital bed. When he saw her like that Harry was ready to go find the monster who did this to her and decapitate its head from its body just for attacking Hermoine. When Harry left the hospital room his emotions were all over the place. He didn't realize it at the moment but his magic was rolling off of him and his eyes were glowing looking as bright as the killing curse. Harry walked ignoring all those who he passed by in the hallway. Harry didn't know where he was going but he knew he couldn't go back to Gryffindor Tower right now with how upset he felt. He was so focused on not letting his emotions out and screaming while he was around prying eyes that he didn't realize that all those he passed made a wide gap for him everyone he passed parted like the Red Sea. Hogwarts sensing Harry's turmoil lead Harry up to the seventh floor keeping others away from the area so Harry could be alone. After only a few minutes was in the empty corrador of the seventh floor pacing back and forth trying to settle his racing mind and his emotions. However, he kept thinking about how he wished he had a place he could reflect on his life, train his body, train his magic, blow off stream, and think with out desturbed away from prying eyes. A place he could stay that time work differently so that no one would miss him where hours in the room would only be minutes for others outside the room.

As he thought about that with his scrambled mind that he tried to unscramble a door appeared infont of him that wasn't there before. Seeing the door Harry stops his pacing and looks at the door curiously. It was at this time he heard distant footsteps coming close to where he was. Not wanting to get caught or deal with who ever it is especially if it was Malfoy, Lockhart, or Snape because he wasn't in the mood feeling like if one person says the wrong thing then he would be willing to hex them to oblivion not caring if he gets thrown in azkaban for it. So not to deal with who ever it was Harry quickly enter the door hoping it will dissapear as soon as he enters and shuts the door so that the person won't try to enter to bug him. The moment the door was shut it disappeared Harry let out a sigh in releif. After sighing he looks around the room seeing a large place seperated into different parts which was mix with many things he actually needed right now. Half the room had what look like training stuff the left side is for training in magic with different targets, while the right had a punching bag and muggle gym stuff for physical training and blowing off steam, the other half of the room has a sofa with a few bookshelfs against the wall filled with books, a coffee table with with a mug of some fresh warm tea to help calm down.

Seeing the room Harry goes to the magic training area and pulls out his wand and starts firing off spells rapid firing. Each time Harry hit a target it all back then a new one would pop up which kinda reminded Harry of the duck game at the fair he went to with the Dursleys once when they took him but only braught him along to carry the prizes they won if they won any along with the suvineirs they get at the gift shops. Harry continues firing off spells hitting and missing the targets every so often but he didn't let up as he was releasing all his pent up anger he has been having this school year. After what felt like several hours in the room Harry was sweating and felt tired. Harry lowered his wand and stood panting. At that moment Harry picked up his long since disregarded cloak and fix his messy uniform. After straightening out his unifrom he went over to the couch and sat down. When he sat down he layed his cloak on the couch and picked up the mug of still warm tea and started to drink it.

Harry-*stops in shock*'Wait this is my favorite mint tea but how? Also how is it still warm? I better call a house elf and ask them.'"If there is any house elf not busy can you please come here to talk with me?"

Harry set the mug down and waited. He didn't have to wait long as he heard a nearly silent pop. Harry turned to see a house elf he has come quiet fimilar with over the school year. It was right after everyone found out Harry was a parselmouth he didn't want to eat anything and deal with the cruel treatment. After skipping both breakfast and lunch he had been corned by Ron's older twin brothers who showed him how to get to the Hogwarts kitchen. After his first visit Harry visited the place fequently especially the nights he couldn't sleep and had gotten to know the elves. The elf who came was one of the older elves who reminded harry much of a worrying but stern grandmother. Seeing the elf Harry couldn't help but smile at her as she had been doing alot for him making sure he ate everyday and gave him late night snacks when he snuck out on nights he had nightmares. Other things this house elf did was when he was hurt by his fellow students and not wanting to go to the hospital wing she was one of the few elves who tend to help heal him.

Harry-"Hey Twinly I sorry if I had interupted you doing something important."

Twinly-*shakes her head*"Oh no Twinly was happy to come the house elves heard what happen to Master Harry's Granger and was worried but we didn't come because we believed you needed time alone so we decided to wait until you called. What can Twinly do for you Master Harry?"

Harry-'There they go with the master stuff I tried to get them just to call me Harry but they seem dead set on calling me master I don't get why but I will worry about that later for now I should ask my question' *guesters around the room*" Well I called you here Twinly to ask if you know this room and tell me about it."

Twinly-*nods*"Oh yes Twinly knows of this room this is the famous come and go room but some calls it the room of requirements. It a magical room that resides on the seventh floor. The trick is to pace back and forth three times thinking about what you want. After doing that a door to a room will appear being adsactly what you need."

Harry- "So if I needed a room to study and blow off steam where times moves differently then outside it, like lets say 2 hours in here is only a minute out there then it give me just that?"

Twinly-"Yes you get adsacly that type of room. Is there anything else Master Harry?"

Harry-"No Twinly thank you for coming and answering my question. I now know what this room is and can finally get my self together before heading back to Gryffindor tower. I will call again if I need anything you may go now."

Twinly-"Of course bye Master Harry also just to let you know we elves knew you would need some time alone so I went to your dorm and closed your curtains along with making it so they couldn't be opened so that others would believe your in your bed. When your ready to leave just call and I will take you to your bed so no one catches you."

Harry-"Thank you Twinly I will call when I ready to leave."

With that Twinly left Harry alone with a nearly silent pop. Leaving Harry alone in the Room of Requirements. As Harry sits there he drinks the mug and looks around the room as he starts to think over his life up until now. As Harry starts thinking over his life he has a magical alarm to go off when it was 25 minutes to curfew so he could go back to his bed in his dorm room after all this pretending he was there the whole time. 

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