Visiting the Chamber

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"Prat" -talking

'Dumbfuck' -thinking

"Enough" -familiars speaking/beast speak/gobbledygook

'Interesting' -familiars/magical creature/goblin thinking

§open§ -Parseltongue

"Hello" - speaking a different language

Hello -letters/news

'Salazar'- will being read/memories being seen/visions

Chapter :


¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤Start Chapter¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤

Third Pov:

 It was late at night and right now Harry was sitting on his four-post bed waiting to make sure his dormmates were asleep before he finally will be taking a trip down to the chamber since the night he went down to save the twin's sister. Harry has been busy lately so he has not been able to return down there. Not only that but he wanted to test out his cloak since Harry finally was able to have one of his elves look at it since they have been busy the last 7 and a half weeks with other things for Harry. He had Krimly look over the cloak which led to him finding multiple tracking and modified revealing charms. It was clear to Harry that Dumbledor had spent his time since his parent's death until it was time for him to start Hogwarts to make sure that the cloak acted like a normal invisible cloak instead of Death's own invisibility cloak. Even if the story was not true Harry knew that his cloak was very powerful.

Harry had checked to make sure that his roommates were asleep then he got out of bed silently grabbed his invisible cloak putting it on and took the Marauder's map from his pocket.  Ever since Dumbledore had come back he has been keeping it on him along with the map since he found out that Ron has been going through his trunk which he learned was to keep tabs on him for Dumbledore. It is because of that that Harry with his real friends helps that he would stay in Godric Gryffindor's own personal courters from when he was alive next year when he returns from the summer so he can't do such things since only the heir can actually enter unless someone let them in. 

Using his map and cloak Harry then sneaks out to head to the entrance to the chamber that was in the girls' bathroom though he knew of others around the castle but Harry wanted to clean the one to the bathroom along with getting the outer chamber that had the old snake skin and skeletons cleaned. It was a fast trip to the chamber on his way he saw the painted wall message that was written when the chamber had opened the first time.

Harry still does not get why Dumbledore had Filch clean it muggle way which will leave the message behind when the house elves, himself, or the staff could have could have vanished it. But then it hit Harry that Dumbledore did it to induce panic among the students. When Harry makes it to the second-floor girl's bathroom he looks around not seeing Myrtle anywhere. Seeing that the coast is clear Harry hissed opening the entrance leading to the very slide he remembers using to go down to save Ginny and stop the attacks.

Harry was about to jump down the entrance sliding down one more but then thought better of it. Harry knew from his ancestor's memories when he did use this entrance he never used the slide but made stairs. The same could be said for Tom from his memories every time he went down into the chamber he used this very entrance since he did not know of the others and he never slid down the slide but instead used steps. So with that, he used his wand and before going down the entrance Harry chose to clean it.

However, when cleaning it he decided to use paselmagic since thanks to the dark lord's and his ancestor's memories he knew that normal spells would be more powerful using magical in parseltongue just like it be stronger if in gobbledygook which he learned to speak from his ancestor's memories along with goblin customs. Harry feared that the knowledge was outdated but after talking with Professor Flitwick he found out that it was still the same as back then they just had more knowledge about other things like banking and other stuff but the traditional customs and language from back then were still known and used. Though Harry could cast the spell in gobbledygook he chose to do parseltongue in honor of his ancestor.

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