Past Seven and Half Weeks

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"Prat" -talking

'Dumbfuck' -thinking

"Enough" -familiars speaking/beast speak/gobbledygook

'Interesting' -familiars/magical creature/goblin thinking

§open§ -Parseltongue

"Hello" - speaking a different language

Hello -letters/news

'Salazar'- will being read/memories being seen/visions

Chapter 9: Past Seven and Half Weeks


¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤Start Chapter¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤

Third Pov:

It has been nearly two months now since Harry was released from the hospital after he had saved Ginny and the school. For the last seven and half months for one, he has gotten his godfather a trial and having it so that Peter Pettigrew was captured. He had it to where used the old newspaper clipping along with his mother's journal to convince Mcgongall to check if he was an animagus to satisfy my curiosity. With her help, she had identified Peter as the illegal animagus he was and paralyzed him before contacting the Aurors. The Aurors had forced Peter to shift and reveal himself. It was then a wand fell out of his pocket which Harry had identified as Tom's. He was questioned how he knew it was Peter and he was questioned on how he knew the dark lord's wand. Harry told the half-truth about how he remembers every detail about that night saying how his father said it was Peter who betrayed them. He also talked about how Peter had come after the attack taking the wand and attempting to finish what his master started but he ran off scared because he heard a noise which was Sirius who came to check on his family and took him from the ruined house after finding him alive. 

After that Harry spoke about how he read once that rats could only live up to 2 years brown rats up to 3-4 years he then said how he thought it was suspicious that Ron had his rat for so long but then thought hey it's the magical world rat must live longer but the thing was recently having nightmares again about the day his parents died so to help he meditated which lead to him seeing more of that night remembering. It was also because of the newspaper he found that they only found a finger which could not be right since all in the muggle newspaper about that day that Harry read when young trying to find an article about a car crash that in hopes to see a picture of his parents because before Hogwarts he had no idea what his parents looked like and were told they died in a car crash with him being the only survivor. 

Harry told them that while searching he found the muggle version of that article saying how all the victims who died their bodies were either completely chard whole or were scattered into pieces so he knew that there was no way they could only find a finger of Pettigrew when he was farthest away from the blast then those muggles who you could still find all or most the body parts of. Though what Harry had told them was true he did not tell all of the truth like how he sees through the Dark Lord's memories or about how Snape had attempted to kill him as well. However when he finished his explanation those around him stood in shock saying how he was very observant and smart wondering if he was not a Ravenclaw descize as a Gryffindor. Which Harry laughs saying that the sorting hat had a hard time deciding where to put him as he did bare traits of other houses but because of his upbringing he felt Gryffindor would be the best place for him. 

As they were chatting Harry noticed Peter trying to escape he had used the distraction to shove an Auror taking their wand and goes to fires a killing curse but with Harry's quick reflexes he shoved an Amelia Bones out of the way casting a chain of spells at him first was Langlock, Expelliarmus, and and Stupefy. Which all hit on the mark and quickly effectively stuck his tongue to the roof before he could finish the spell, have the wand fly out his hand, and knock the cowardly bastard out saving her. When that had ended he noticed the wand had dropped from his person which he recognized as the one who killed his parents a wand he would recognize as good as his own. Before the Aurors left Amelia had thanked him for saving her which he just waved off saying he was only doing what was right. Before anyone could pick up the wand Harry picked it up and then thurally snapped Riddle's wand core and all so that it could never be mended. The head Auror Amelia Bones had light-heartedly scolded him for destroying evidence. 

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