Part 1.

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A Return to Gusu

After returning home from the Guanyin temple, Wei Wuxian felt an unsettling weight in his chest, a heaviness that seemed to cling to him like the damp air of Gusu. He glanced sideways at Lan Wangji, whose presence was a balm to his troubled spirit. Wangji’s steady gaze held a flicker of hope, yet Wei Wuxian could sense the unspoken worry beneath it. Will time truly heal these wounds? he wondered, feeling the familiar pang of uncertainty.Bringing Wei Wuxian back to Gusu had been a dream for Wangji, yet reality felt far from the idyllic vision he had nurtured. The streets, once bustling with laughter and camaraderie, now echoed with an uncomfortable silence. Each step they took felt heavy with the weight of unfulfilled expectations and unspoken grief. Everyone lost something yesterday, Wei Wuxian thought, feeling the collective sorrow wrap around him like a shroud.As they approached the imposing walls of the Cloud Recesses, Wei Wuxian noticed a stark change—the Wall of Rules had grown, now adorned with an additional fifty prohibitions that loomed over him like a dark cloud. His heart sank as he read them: Do not interact with Wei Wuxian. Do not stay with him at the same place. Don’t talk with him. Do not let him teach you a crooked path... Each rule felt like a dagger aimed at his heart, a reminder that even though his reputation had been cleared, acceptance remained elusive.

He sighed deeply, feeling suffocated by the injustice that had become all too familiar. Why does it always have to be this way? But as he looked at Wangji—his unwavering support—he felt a flicker of warmth amidst the chill of exclusion. Wangji was trying so hard to make him comfortable, and in that moment, Wei Wuxian realized that their bond was stronger than any rule or judgment.
We only need each other, he thought resolutely, drawing strength from Wangji’s presence beside him. The world around them may have changed, but their connection remained steadfast—a beacon of hope in a landscape marred by sorrow and division. Together, they would navigate this new reality, one step at a time.

As time passed, Lan Wangji observed the subtle shifts in Wei Wuxian’s demeanor. The once vibrant spark in Wei Wuxian's eyes had dimmed; he spoke less, his laughter now a rare sound that felt forced. Wangji could see through the façade of happiness Wei Wuxian wore like a mask, especially when they were in Gusu, where the weight of unspoken rules pressed down on him. Only when they ventured beyond the city did genuine smiles break through, illuminating Wei Wuxian’s face momentarily.

Determined to uncover the reasons behind this change, Wangji poured his heart into making Wei Wuxian happy. Six months slipped by, with only Lan Sizhui and Lan Jingyi remaining by Wei Wuxian's side in Jingshi, while other junior disciples offered polite greetings that felt hollow.

One night, as they lay cuddled together, the sweet scent of incense enveloped them, creating a cocoon of warmth and safety. In the depths of slumber, a dream unfolded—a surreal encounter with Jin Guangyao.

“Master Wei, how do you know this place? Please don’t tell me you and Hanguang-Jun are here on vacation,” Jin Guangyao taunted.

“Whatever the reason is, it’s none of your business; you’re not in a position to ask!” Wangji thought fiercely, but his voice was lost in the dreamscape.

Wei Wuxian’s voice cut through the tension. “Lian Fang Zun, you hid quite a significant land deed in the secret chamber of the fragrant palace, right beside my manuscripts. Don’t you remember?”
“Oh, that would be my fault. I should’ve put them separately,” Jin Guangyao replied nonchalantly, devoid of any regret.

Zewu Zun stepped forward, shame evident in his posture. “Ashamed. I was fooled by lies and lost my spiritual powers. Even with shuoyue and liebing, they will not be of much help.” In this dream world where Wangji remained unseen and unheard, he felt an overwhelming sense of helplessness. The burden of reality weighed heavily on him as he watched Wei Wuxian navigate these treacherous waters alone.

Wangji's thoughts churned with frustration. If only you had believed us, brother, we wouldn’t be in this mess. He watched as Wei Wuxian maintained his composure, a facade of cheerfulness that felt increasingly brittle.

“No need to feel ashamed. After all, lying is one of Lian Fang Zun's greatest skills,” Wei Wuxian replied, his sincerity cutting through the tension like a knife.Jin Guangyao's probing question hung in the air: “Hanguang-Jun is not with you?” Wangji clenched his fists, anger bubbling beneath the surface. Who does he think he is to question us?

“How are you so sure that Hanguang-Jun would come?” Wei Wuxian countered, his voice steady yet laced with defiance.

“Of course he'll come. Since you were suspicious of this Guanyin temple, Hanguang-Jun naturally will know that something strange is afoot,” Jin Guangyao smirked.

“Young Master Wei, if Wangji is around, why is he not with you?” Jin Guangyao continued, mimicking the sect leader's tone.

“We split up,” Wei Wuxian replied curtly. Wangji’s mind drifted back to their last heated night together—moments of confusion and miscommunication that now felt trivial compared to the gravity of their current situation.

“I heard you injured yourself when you left the Burial Mound,” Jin Guangyao said, his voice dripping with feigned concern.

How would he know? Wangji thought, realization dawning that Jin Guangyao must have been informed by someone else. The betrayal stung sharply; it was another reminder of how isolated they had become in a world filled with deceit.

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