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summary: you wear contact lenses and it freaks walker out when you take them out of your eyes
genre: fluff
warnings: kissing, swearing, making out(*), mention of vomiting but no actual throwing up.

(*)⚠️before we start⚠️
nothing in this chapter was written with the intent to sexualise walker, these things happen in relationships at my (and walker's) age and i want to keep these imagines as real as possible.
if this chapter is too much then i will take it down without another thought and will replace it with a back up chapter

thank you x

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i really was trying to pay attention to the tv, but my vision was starting to get blurry and i knew that i'd had my contact lenses in for too long. i sat up and used my right hand to make my eyelids open wider before using my left pointer finger to get the lens out.

"y/n what are you doing?" walker asks me, laughing slightly. he sits up to look at me, only to see my finger trying to scrape my contact lens out of my eye. "EW Y/N! UGH THAT'S FUCKING GROSS!" he yelps as he jumps up out of the bed and covers his mouth like he's gonna throw up.

i laugh at his childishness. "walker it's just a contact lens, i have to get it out somehow!" i tell him as i reach back up to my eye, but he smacks my hand away from my face. "walker!"

"you cannot put your fingers back in your eyeballs. i will not allow it y/n." he sits back down in the bed and grabs both of my wrists, holding them down firmly on the bed in front of me. i throw my head back as i laugh and when i look back at walker he's still traumatised, but instead of complaining about the contact lenses like i thought he would, he says "you look so pretty when you laugh like that."

i blush as he leans further towards me, raising a hand to hold my face. i put a hand in his hair and twirled his curls around my fingers as i looked into his eyes with a smile. i close the gap between us and capturing his lips with mine. i can feel his lips pull up into a smile against my own.

i lean back to lay down on the bed, never pulling away from walker, taking him with me. he hums softly as i pull on a certain curl at the nape of his neck. i pull away from the kiss with a smirk "you can't make me forget that i need to take my contact lenses out."

walker mirrors my face and replies "watch me." in a low voice before bringing his lips back to mine again. every time our lips detach and reconnect our breathing gets a little heavier as walker moves slightly to lay on top of me.

i chuckle as he starts to kiss down my neck and softly pull him away by his hair. "nice try." i gently shove him off of me and hear him groan as i get out of the bed. i successfully take out one lens as i sit in front of the body length mirror and put it in the bin beside me, ignoring walker's fake attempts of vomiting noises.

once i've taken the other one out i look back at walker, who's hiding behind in his hands. "that wasn't so bad right?" but walker only shivers before motioning me to get back in bed.

i grab my glasses and pull the covers back over me before cuddling up to walker's side, his arm going around my shoulder and squeezing the skin there. he takes my glasses from my hand and puts them over my eyes. "you're so gorgeous y/n" walker assures me, knowing i don't really like the way i look with my glasses on.

i reach up and kiss him sweetly. "i love you." i smile as he plays with my hair.

"i love you more."

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this was kind of short? oh well hope it's alr

again nothing was written w the intent to sexualise walker, i am the same age as him and its not smut. however if this should make anyone uncomfortable (from readers to walker himself) i will take this chapter down.

love you loads thanks for the love on these imagines already xx

"your beauty never ever scared me💗"
mary on a cross - ghost

 𝐃𝐀𝐘𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐆 - w.scobellWhere stories live. Discover now