Chapter 1: A Peaceful Introduction to New J3

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The year is 2015, a bullet train speeds down the tracks passing a sign that says NJ3 when suddenly an old lady appears on the tracks out of nowhere and gets rammed through, turning her into a pure red paste on the tracks as her entrails and blood smear over the windows, guts everywhere! Aww man... "Jesus Christ talk about first impressions..." a brown-haired boy says as he looks out the window before turning to a photo he has in his hand, on the photo is a black-haired woman on the beach with a sticky note attached that reads, "To Eugene! Call this number when you arrive in New Jersey III."

"My uncle got ahold of my dad and told him that he didn't know what to do with me so he had him send me off to live with some stranger... Did I do something wrong? I mean my uncle never once spoke to me besides the first time we met and even after that all I did was go to school and stay in that room with no one to talk to..." Eugene thinks to himself while looking down at his shoes when the train finally comes to a stop. Eugene gets up from his seat before exiting the train, he walks out of the station and decides to take a stroll around the block. "Oh yeah, I should probably call that girl's number before I do anything else." He says to himself before pulling out his phone and trying to call the number, it rings a few times before going silent. "I guess I'll just wait for her to call me ba-" Just then a nearby building explodes, sending debris everywhere, he ducks to the ground narrowly dodging a chunk of the building that flew his way. He gets up and looks around in panic and sees a girl in a school uniform just staring at him before he blinks. When his eyes open again she's suddenly gone. Just then a small purple car speeds down the road, hitting a piece of the rubble on the way and doing a flip in the air before landing and spinning out of control, almost hitting Eugene before stopping in front of him and rolling the window down. "You're Eugene, right? If so get in." The woman in the car says, without saying a word he gets in the passenger seat before they speed off.

"Oh sorry I haven't introduced myself yet, I'm Alexis it's nice to meet you." She says with a smile as she speeds off to some unknown destination. "Nice to meet you too, I'm Eugene obviously... also where are we going, and what was that explosion?" He asks before turning around and seeing a giant, black figure wearing massive golden chains doing backflips and throwing lightning bolts across the city, exploding even more buildings in the process. "What the hell is that thing?!" He asks with a look of fear across his face. "That is a Blackie more specifically the 3rd Blackie... LowTierGod and as to where we're heading, I'm taking you to the secret base of the United Goon Defense Force or just Goon. Your father Hal is our commander and leader over there." Alexis answers before turning her attention back to the road. "My father?" Eugene says to himself before he starts to think about how that interaction would go after all those years that have gone by since they last saw each other. "Oh yeah sorry if the cars cramped it's one of those models they make for Asian women," She says when a chunk of the road lifts up in front of them revealing a gigantic grey pillar with a gate that has the words, "DOCK ONE" painted above it in red.

"Oh shit where are my glasses, wait never mind here they are... OH SHIT A SPEEDBUMB!" She yells before slamming her foot on the brake causing the car to hit the bump at an angle that sends them flying into the air before rolling towards the gate, exploding it along with the car. Alexis jumps up from the scraps of the car before grabbing Eugene. "Listen I need you to get up and get in a fucking robot for me and your dad." She says as she places her other hand on his shoulder. "Can you do that for him, actually can you do that for me?" She says as she gently pulls him up. "I will, but I want to talk to him first..." Eugene says as he gets up. "That's fine, after all I can understand how you feel." She says with a reassuring smile before patting him on the shoulder. "I'll take you to him."

Alexis pulls him along by the arm before they hop into a cable car that starts to descend below ground, Eugene looks out the window and is greeted by the sight of a small city with a massive, white, metallic pyramid, with a Bass Pro Shop sign on it in the middle of the massive, underground cavern that the car is slowly descending to. "A GeoFront?! I've only heard about this type of stuff before from my mom, it looks so cool!" Eugene says with a look of wonder in his eyes. "This is the headquarters of Goon, underneath a city that can only be labeled as a fortress, this is New Jersey III." She says with a smirk as the cable car finally comes to a stop, allowing them to make their way toward his father. They walk down a long and narrow hallway before turning right and walking through a door, that leads into a room that is just a narrow walkway. On the left is a massive robot whose head is penis-shaped, a massive plug is connected to its back, and its body is submerged in a white liquid beneath the walkway. "What is that thing?!" Eugene asks in complete shock. "That is one of the last lines of defense against the Blackies created by man, The Artificial Human Cochvangelion. My life's work" A middle-aged sounding voice calls out as a light from a room above the robot shines over Alexis & Eugene revealing an average-looking middle-aged man staring out the window. "It's been a while Eugene, have you come to pilot it?" Hal asks as he looks down at them.

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