Chapter 8: Black Bitch Biggie Smalls

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Hal once again is alone in his office on the phone with someone. "Yes, the issue has been resolved with the council and everything's been arranged. The package was released from Germany yesterday and is currently sailing the Pacific... I'll keep you informed."
A UN helicopter flies over the New Jersey III port before starting to fly over the ocean. "A PP-420 transport chopper! I never thought I would get to ride on one of these babies! As they say, "Good friends are a true blessing!" Right, Eugene?" Eric says while recording the inside the helicopter as he hot boxes the back with his dispo.

"H-Huh?" Eugene responds.

"I figured you three must've been stressed out since you're always trapped in the city so I figured it was a good time for a pleasant Sunday date." Alexis chimes in while looking back from the cockpit.

"Ms. Alexis you're seriously taking me on a date today?!" Aidan cuts in before continuing to speak. "What do you think of my taco shell sombrero?! I got it just with you in mind! It even has guacamole in the brim to dip stuff in it! Don't you like it?" He says as he breaks a piece off his hat before dipping it in and eating it.

"So where are we even going?" Eugene asks.

"We're all going on a luxurious vacation cruise in the Pacific on a boat." Alexis responds before tapping Ronald's shoulder who is piloting the chopper. "Yes?"

"Put some music on this thing's radio."

"Alright..." Ronald responds before turning on the radio and putting on a station.

Everyone starts nodding their head to the song when Ronald flies through a cloud, revealing an entire fleet of boats. "OH MY FUCKING GOD!" Eric screams out in joy while recording out the window.

"What's so special about those boats, I wouldn't call them luxurious at all..." Aidan says disappointedly.

"Nothing less than luxurious! That's the UN's full-fledged fleet carrier the S.S.S. Moonshine along with its pride fleet, the Drunken Redneck Brigade!"

Ronald scoffs before looking away. "That boat and its name should've been lost in the Pre-Second Cumpact era..." He says to himself before starting to lower the helicopter down toward S.S.S. Moonshine.
"Those smug bastards, they brought the plug for their favorite toy. Nothing but a bunch of prepubescent fags on an errand." An old man in a captain outfit says while chugging down some good ole moonshine.

A girl in a dress watches them descend from a vantage point on the boat before they finally land.

Everyone gets the chopper out followed by Ronald who hesitantly steps out. They all look around before Eric runs off and starts recording everything while jumping around like a border monkey. "Oh boy! Oh boy! This shit is so cool but maybe not as cool as UFC!!!" He says before pulling out his dispo and hitting it. "Want a hit?" He asks a group of workers before joining them in a good-fashioned smoke session.

Aidan watches him with a bored expression when he opens a bag of edible weed chips before pulling one out. He goes to dip it in his hat's guacamole when the wind blows it out of his hand before it's pushed along the ground. "STUPID WIND! Stop right there and get back here!" He chases after the chip when suddenly someone deliberately stomps down on it. "H-Huh!?" He says as he falls to his knees and starts mourning the lost chip before desperately trying to lift her foot.

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