chapter forty-four

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Chapter 44

At the Bennett family dinner table, tension hovered like a thick fog. Everyone had decided to meet at the new mansion Eleanor had just bought right outside of New Orleans so she could keep tabs on her family. That, and so she didn't have to travel with her mother so much. Right in the middle of the table sat an array of food that every Bennett had begun to eat from.

Mina sat in front of one of her favorite dishes; her aunt Kelia's mac and cheese. However, she couldn't bring herself to eat a lot because her stomach was filled with nervousness. Bonnie's spell to suppress her vampiric side for a couple of hours would make it to where even the most powerful of witches couldn't sense her.

But that didn't mean she wasn't scared shitless.

Next to Mina was Harley. Unlike her cousin, she had nothing holding her back from sucking on the Honey Hot wings Addison had made. With that and some mac and cheese, she would be set for anything this fucked up family get-together would bring.

Beside Harley was Emery. She took multiple stabs at her lettuce before taking a bite, looking back and forth at her aunts trying to figure out why they were all there. "So... how's life, family?"

At the head of the table, Eleanor smiled, cutting up a piece of asparagus and popping it into her mouth. "Wonderfully, my sweet child." Eleanor looked over to her sisters and let out a dramatic cough. "Sisters, you've been silent this entire time. Care to share why?"

"Here we go," Harley mumbled, taking another bite of one of her wings. They hadn't even been sitting at the table ten minutes yet.

"Eating, Elle," Kelia explained. "But Bailey," the conversation continued. "Have you introduced yourself to Bonnie?"

Bonnie who was directly in front of Eleanor at the end of the table looked up and locked eyes with the curly-haired girl sitting between Kelia and Addison. "Yeah, she did," Bonnie confirmed with a smile. "We met in the kitchen." According to her, she was the youngest at the table being a senior in high school at seventeen.

Bonnie looked at her deeply, admiring her beautiful blue eyes and her light brown curly hair. While she was stunning, she didn't exactly look like any of the women at the table. Seeing the slight look of confusion, Bailey smiled. "My dad was their brother... Florence."

Bonnie picked up on the was but didn't say anything of it. Instead, she kept the conversation rolling by asking, "How many of you are there?"

"Siblings?" Kelia asked. When Bonnie nodded, she continued. "There are five of us in all, but only three are still here. The eldest Eleanor," Kelia started pointing at her older sister. "Then there was Florence and me. Then Cora, and Addison."

"Cousins wise," Emery picked up, "There's six. Harley is the oldest, then there's..."

"Me," Mina said, taking a couple of sips of her water. "Then you, Bon."

"I'm next," Emery proudly stated, dusting off her blue sundress. "Me and my brother, Erikson."

"And I'm the youngest... we'll the youngest of our generation. Erikson's daughter, Amoni, is the official youngest of the family. She just turned 1 a couple of weeks ago."

Addison scoffed, flapping her napkin open and placing it on her lap. "You're the youngest, dear. That half mutt doesn't count as a member of our line."

"Addy, seriously?" Kelia sighed.

"Addison!" Eleanor barked.

"Holy hell," Harley groaned. "Already? Insults to the family already?"

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