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There is nothing wrong in Idyll. An urban oasis sprung from the cracked earth of the desert. Those midnight plains lay genuflecting at the feet of the modern metropolis, serving as a reminder to all citizens of how cruel and barren life was before the discovery and development of ichor 49 years ago. Ichor provides the power to overcome all the hardships of the planet. It was Earth's final gift to man. Nowhere more so than here, at the birthplace of ichor, the spring of plenty, is this fact more gloriously evident. Fuel is burned from underground and refined in steel crucibles scraping the sky. Ease and entertainment is emanated into the night to dance among synthetic stars. Neon excites, and blazes over any blemishes, projecting paradise for all outside the city walls to watch in wonder. 

Copper pillars are nailed into the ground at wide intervals, punctuating the border of Idyll. They are needles, and tendrils and fissures of turquoise power are the threads they knit. Dusk has fallen over the world indiscriminately, the sun is being blotted out, and mutations have grafted on nearly all living  things. But this electrical line distinguishes those who are living, and those merely surviving. On one side, emaciated coyotes bay at the blood moon and feast on their own. On the other, domesticated whippets heel at the work boots of beat cops and are fed from a can three times a day. And so on. Anyone and everyone can live out their dream. All they must do is fall asleep. And present documentation. 



Name: What is your character's name?

Age: What is your character's age? All ages are accepted.

Gender: What is your character's gender?

Appearance: What do they look like? This can also include the type of clothes they often wear, or any important accessories. If you want to, you can include an image link in this section but it is not required.

Personality: What are they like? Your character does not have to fit any specific role in this story. The tasks they face will be open enough that they could respond to them as a hero, a villain, or anything in-between.

History: What has happened to them, what have they done? Are they from Idyll, or have they just arrived? This is also a good place to talk about any other important people in their lives if there is such a thing.

Activity: What do they do? What makes up a typical day for your character? This is a good place to mention their profession if applicable, and what their goals in life are. If they are not from Idyll, what are they doing here?

Other: Anything else you want to add? Could be a fun fact or any information that doesn't seem to fit in the other sections. Rust rides the winds of Idyll, whipping about the lower buildings after tunneling through the streets which split the safer heights of skyscrapers and high-rises. Little published has been able to show any significant correlation, but talk to anyone on the streets of Idyll, and they'll tell you that this rust is sickness. Some get whooping coughs, others just die. The smart will wear mouth coverings from gas masks to bandannas to save their lungs, at least for a while. Almost all will develop some sort of oddity. Wherever the rust touches, it brings strange changes. 


There will be a simplified version of the form posted in the comments for copy/pasting. Reservations will open on Monday, May 20th 11:00 AM EST. A new chapter will be posted then where you will be able to reserve your spot. In the meantime, I am happy to answer any questions you have about the competition or character ideas. 

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