CITIZEN_2: Delilah (cherrypursuits)

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Name: Delilah

Age: 34

Gender: Non-Binary

Appearance: Long dark purple locks fall over a mild case of alopecia and leave bad decisions in their wake. Eyes of rust and hatred stare into the future, only partially hidden by a metal mask covering the entire nose and mouth, bolted in on the sides and wrapped across the head with a black bandage. It's impossible to tell where the tech ends and the body begins in some places. Their legs, for example, are covered in sheets of metal. Their body is full of scars that do not bleed. This spry individual operates exclusively during the daytime in the most secluded parts of town, selling spare body parts crafted from twisted metal. They have a sturdy build, and thick arms, and are often seen wearing green clothing with glowing metal plates on both shoulders.

Personality: Delilah's voice, when it emerges, is mechanical and deep, resonating like a forgotten melody echoing from the depths of mining caves, sung only by the last survivor. Their movements are precise, and calculated, with feet always pointed straight, a compass needle unerringly finding north. They are a figure of caution, a being that never looks back. But when those rusted eyes are staring someone down, it's said that one can almost see fine wrinkles and pores. Whispers circulate that Delilah was once a robot designed to aid humans in the desolate landscape that Idyll had become. But these are mere whispers. Delilah would never pause to assist a human.

History: Delilah appeared first in town back when the town wasn't neon. Some say that when the first rusted spires rose from the ground and formed the fingers of the earth coming to rip apart the heavens, Delilah was spotted at high noon with a bag of metal body parts and a pricing chart that included no sums of money. Delilah was young once, it's said, but no one had seen them age in years. Delilah is always found around the copper-colored spires. Occasionally they can be found at a forge, burning metal, but never have been seen to pour it.

Activity: Working as the only parts doctor in the town, Delilah starts their day hidden. Once they find themselves in the visible spectrum of the world, they make their trek to a new hidden spot around town and find the people who need to replace body parts destroyed by the dust circulating around the town. They are known to suture wounds after sterilizing them with their blowtorch finger. In the evenings, Delilah is found at the local forge, then the pub, always wrapped in a green cloak that covers their body and head. Delilah is not found at night.

Other: Delilahs's hair naturally grows in purple, including all facial hair and body hair.

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