01.0 Encounter on the Train

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Asuka stood on the platform of the bustling train station, patiently waiting for the next train.

She silently sighed when she finally stepped into the train, trying her best to keep herself comfortable among the crowd.

Amidst the sea of commuters, her emerald eyes landed on a group of men carelessly swinging their rackets near a young teenage girl. Feeling antsy at the sight, she shifted her gaze away.

So, people in Tokyo can be assholes too.

Not long after, a heated argument started, turning her attention back to the troublesome bunch. Among them was a boy who stood out from the rest. Sporting a white cap, the boy stood shorter than the men around him. Despite that, his aura of confidence was unmistakable.

Asuka watched in fascination as the boy effortlessly deflected the arrogance of the older men who were swinging their rackets earlier, his knowledge commanding respect.

At that moment, she felt a surge of admiration for the boy. Amidst her admiration, though, an ugly pit formed in her stomach.

She couldn't help but wonder about the connection between him and the girl he was protecting.

.. Perhaps someone important to him? A girlfriend?

As she watched him defend the girl with such determination, a flicker of envy stirred within her. It wasn't jealousy for their relationship, but rather a yearning for the same sense of protection and support that the girl seemed to have found in him.

But then, a comforting thought crossed her mind. She already had someone in her life who provided that unwavering support and protection in her father - Nakamura Kagami. With a smile, she pushed aside her momentary envy, suddenly feeling grateful for the steadfast presence of Kagami in her life.


After the commotion had subsided, Asuka focused on her errands.

With Kagami unavailable for the day, he had tasked her with an 'important mission': to purchase her own school supplies. He had mentioned something about needing to settle some paperwork related to their new living arrangement, leaving Asuka to handle the responsibility on her own.

That day, she navigated through the bustling streets of Ginza as the encounter with the mysterious boy continued to linger in her thoughts.


A few hours later, Asuka boarded the train back home. Her footsteps echoed softly on the nearly empty train platform. To her surprise, she spotted the boy from earlier sitting alone, his white cap shadowing over his facial features. Taking a deep breath, Asuka settled into a seat nearby; precisely 1 seat apart from the boy.

The ride was silent at first. There was only the rhythmic hum of the train as it glided along the tracks. Asuka stole a glance at the boy beside her, his expression unreadable as he stared out the window.

Summoning her courage, Asuka cleared her throat, her voice barely above a whisper. "I saw you earlier," she began tentatively, her words hanging in the air.

The boy turned to face her, confusion flickering in his eyes. "..... I'm sorry, do I know you?" he asked, his tone guarded.

Asuka paused, captivated by the depth of his golden eyes, the striking contours of his handsome features and the way his black hair seemed to shimmer with hints of green.

It was only when his words finally registered that she felt a warm flush of embarrassment color her cheeks. "No, sorry, I meant I saw you earlier. On the train. This train." she clarified hastily, her words tumbling out in a rush as she tried to explain.

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