07.0 Clash of Resolve

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The tension in the air was palpable as Satou and Asuka took their positions on the court, the anticipation of the crowd silent but heavy. They exchanged glances, a silent acknowledgment of the battle that was about to commence. Satou, with a smirk of confidence, broke the silence.

"I'm gonna crush you, freshman." she declared, her voice steady and imbued with the promise of a challenge.

Asuka, undeterred, met Satou's gaze with unwavering determination. "I won't be crushed." she responded, her tone equally resolute.

The tension between Satou and Asuka was not lost on Kikumaru Yuko, who watched their exchange from Court A, her upcoming match momentarily forgotten. 

Yuko couldn't help but feel a mix of awe and a tinge of jealousy witnessing Asuka's fearless stance against Satou. The freshman's resilience, facing one of the team's most formidable players, stirred something within her—a longing for that same courage.

"Yuko-chaaan~! Focus, focus!!" Amaya's voice, playful yet tinged with urgency, snapped Yuko back to reality.

"R-Right. Focus," Yuko murmured to herself, casting one last glance at the court where Satou and Asuka were now locked in their intense match. With a newfound determination, Yuko faced Amaya. She was ready to face the challenge head-on, inspired by the freshman's bravery and hoping to discover a bit of her own in the process.


With a deft swing, she returned one of Satou's serves, initiating a high-paced rally that had the spectators on the edge of their seats.

The match was filled with a powerful smashes from Satou. Her form impeccable, the sheer force of her hita reverberated through the courts. Asuka, poised and focused, anticipated the trajectory almost every time, her feet always moving swiftly to position herself. 

Satou, unaccustomed to her smashes being returned with such precision, upped the intensity. Her shots became more aggressive, pushing Asuka to the limits of the court.

With a fierce look in her eyes, she drew back her racket with a menacing grace, preparing for a particularly vicious hit. "Let's see if you can take this!!!" she shouted across the net, her voice a mix of challenge and excitement.

Reacting on pure instinct, Asuka positioned herself to intercept the incoming shuttlecock. The moment Satou's powerful smash connected with her racket, a jolt of pain shot through Asuka's arm, sharp and debilitating. "Ugh..!!" The force behind the shot was overwhelming, her grip faltering.

Sakamoto, who had been watching intently from the sidelines along with Kobayashi and Kurogane, winced as Asuka's racket clattered to the floor. Her attempt to block the shot costing her not just a point but also a sudden, piercing pain in her wrist. Satou earned the point, her aggressive play finally breaching Asuka's defenses.

"F-Fifteen, seventeen." announced a freshman who was assigned as umpire.

Asuka, grimacing from the pain, quickly assessed her wrist, realizing the impact might have more consequences than just the lost point. 

Sakamoto, unable to bear the sight of Asuka's evident pain, rushed onto the court, her concern overriding any sense of decorum. "Nakamura, are you okay?" she asked urgently, her voice tinged with worry for the newest member of their team. 

Asuka's response echoed across the court, her voice unwavering despite the pain coursing through her wrist. "Please return to the sidelines, Sakamoto-senpai," she insisted, her tone firm but appreciative of Sakamoto's concern. With a trembling hand, she picked up her racket, determination shining in her eyes. "I'll manage," she declared, her resolve unwavering as she prepared to face Satou once again.

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