she defends you from a rude interviewer (requested)

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"It is so nice to be able to sit down and talk to you all!" The interviewer smiled from her spot across from the girls. "You're all on top of the world right now. You have so many fans that love and adore you."

"We're very lucky." Minji smiled.

"You just put out a new album with quite a few songs on there. I have to say I love all of them. I've listened to the entire album several times already and I can't pick a favorite."

"That's exactly how we feel We're so proud of how this album came out," Danielle replied.

"And you're Danielle, correct?"

Danielle nodded her head.

"There are so many fans talking and asking about you. We took some questions from fans to ask you all but you seem to be the one a lot of people are talking about. They're all very kind but they keep talking about your relationship."

"Oh, yeah, that's not very surprising." Danielle chuckled.

"Danielle's relationship with her girlfriend was just confirmed. There's been a lot of rumors about them for the last couple of months but just a couple of days ago, the company confirmed it because it was getting a little out of control." Hanni said.

"Oh. Yes, I've seen photos of your girlfriend. Her name is Y/N, right?"

"Yes!" Danielle smiled proudly before waving to the camera. "Hey, baby. I know you're watching. I love you!"

She blew a kiss to you through the camera and what would be either your phone or TV screen and the girls all giggled and teased her a little.

"She's watching?" The interviewer asked.

"Yeah. She couldn't make it here with us today because she's come down with a cold but she told me she was going to watch the interview." Danielle grinned.

"Oh." The interviewer said. "Can I ask you something?"

"Of course," Danielle replied.

"Why are you with her? I mean, even though you have a lot of supportive fans, I've seen some say they are very unhappy with the relationship."

"Oh, well, I love and care about Y/N. She knows me better than anyone else. We've been dating in secret for a long time. I love our fans but if they can't support me, they're not true fans. I don't care about those people if they don't care about me or the girl I love. They could, at the very least, be happy for me and support us. If they can't do that, it's not my problem."

"Very interesting. So your girlfriend is driving a wedge between you and your fans who have supported you and your members from your debut and you don't care about them at all?"

Danielle looked at the girls before turning back to the interviewer.

She scoffed as her blood began to boil but she tried to stay calm and kind.

"That's untrue and not at all what I said. You're twisting my words around and that's not fair. I said I love our fans and that's the truth. But I am entitled to my private life and I'm not hurting anyone by dating someone. I have every right to love and be loved by someone. The fans that can't respect my girlfriend or can't support my happiness is what I said I don't care about."

"Interesting. I'll tell you what I think. I think your girlfriend is a bad influence. I think you could do a lot better."

"When did I ask?" Danielle wondered. "We're here for you to interview us about our album, not interfere with my personal life. I never asked for your opinion and I don't want it."

"Quite the attitude, hm?" The interviewer asked.

"She's just defending herself and her girlfriend which she has every right to do. What you're saying is mean and unfair to everyone involved. I think you're the one with an attitude." Hanni said.

"Okay." The interviewer said before holding her hands up defensively. "Well, let's just see how long it lasts. With any luck, this will be over soon and then everyone will be happy."

"Not me," Danielle said. "My girlfriend and I are the ones in this relationship, not you or anyone else. So stop sticking your big ugly nose where it doesn't belong!"

The interviewer gasped.

"You're lucky that's all I've said after sitting here and being insulted. You've insulted my relationship, my girlfriend, and myself. This is ridiculous. This is not what an interview is about! You suck at your job. Stay out of my private life and leave my girlfriend alone."

Danielle got up to storm off, only for the woman to speak up and make her freeze.

"I'm just saying what everyone else is thinking. You could do better."

"No, I couldn't," Danielle spoke as she turned around, clenching her fists by her sides slightly. "You can think that all you want but you don't know my girlfriend the way I do. At the end of the day, that is your loss. She is incredible. You might not like her and some of the fans might not like her but that is not my problem! I deserve to be happy and I am happier than ever. She's the one relief and comfort I have away from all of you annoying people who keep trying to dictate my life!"

Danielle stormed off with that and the girls all followed after her.

"Whoa," Minji said as Danielle almost slammed the door on her and the girls.

"Sorry!" Danielle said before sitting down with a sigh. "I can't believe that. I hate people sometimes."

"I know. That was so unfair to you and Y/N. We're so sorry you had to go through that." Hanni said.

"But I think she's going to be very proud of you for standing up for yourself and for her. I know we all are." Minji said as the girls all nodded in agreement and hugged her tight.

"We love you. We've got your back and for what it's worth, we adore Y/N and we're so happy to see you so happy and so in love. Don't let anyone get under your skin. Our true fans are happy for you both and support us no matter what." Haerin said.

"I know." Danielle smiled.

At the end of the day, the fans who couldn't support her and the interviewer didn't matter to her at all.

What mattered to her was this; her closest friends, the music they create together, and you.

She's a happy girl and she'll never take anything she has in her life for granted.

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