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Taco's POV:

I should probably try to Play with the Weaker one in the group...

Afterall, Knife knows about my Presence, I owe Baseball 9k, Lightbulb is....Out right Stupid....But Suitcase?

Oh she's easy to manipulate! I've seen what Nickel has done to her and i know exactly what to do...

I walked over to them and Snatched Suitcase away. Starting Phase one of my Plan...

"W-where did i go?! W-who took me?!"

"Why Hello there!!"


"My Name's Taco! What's yours?"


"Listen, Suitcase, I dont think you should trust the others....I've known them for a Long Time and they...."

"....They acted Like Nickel towards you?....."

"Yes!! And dont worry, I'm a friend! You can trust me!"

"....Thanks Taco...."

I smiled as i hid my arms behind my back, As i listened to her little Annoying Backstory....

Why do i force myself into these? Oh yeah because i'm getting Paid-

Paintbrushes POV:

After cleaning we both Hid the brooms and other cleaning supplies in the brooms closet. I then heard Cheesy call out to me....

I swear to Sour Lemon Pocket Drops, if he tells me a joke i will punch him out of this building and turn him into grilled cheese....

"What do you want?!...."

"Is this Yours??...."

"....W-where did you even find this?! I've been looking for it everywhere!!"

"It was under the stage!"

I facepalmed myself before smiling. I patted his shoulder before leaving...

Maybe he isnt as bad as i thought....

A Spark Inside (Inanimate Insanity CheesyBrush and Tacocase)Where stories live. Discover now