Chapter 4

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𝖂𝖔𝖊 𝖂𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝖆 𝕹𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙


Dr Kinbott tells me I should get out more. Says I need to open my mind to new people and new experiences. Who am I to argue with her professional clichés?

Y/N rolled over in her bed, glaring at the moon, still high over the horizon. Of course Wednesday Addams would be awake when the rest of the school was still asleep. And from the sounds of his thoughts, he wasn't doing anything he was supposed to be doing.

Y/N's half-numb hand stretched out towards the chain for her light and after groping around on her nightstand for a moment, she found the chain. With a single click, her room was flooded with the warm light of her bedside lamp, and she pushed herself up. If Wednesday was up, that meant no break for her. Wednesday's thoughts were too loud for her to sleep through them, even with the help of her magically enchanted lavender.

Her eyes found the pendant and she grabbed it, slipping it on over her head. Wednesday's thoughts slowly trickled away until they were a gentle hum in the back of her mind. She sighed in relief and slumped over, allowing her forehead to fall into her hands. It was cruel how the only break she got from Wednesday came from a pendant that would switch the pain of her mind to physical pain.

She lay there silently for a moment before turning to look at the clock. 3:06 am.

"Curse you, Wednesday Addams," Y/N muttered, pushing herself up. There was no way that she would be able to get back to sleep now. But there was hardly anything else for her to do this early. She glanced around her dark room, biting the corner of her lip as she tried to figure out how to busy herself until classes started.

Maybe a bath would do her some good. She hadn't had the time to enjoy a proper bath as of late, and now that she had a few hours, it seemed like a good idea. She smiled at the thought of a bath and slipped out from beneath her covers, summoning a warm carpet of moss from the other side of her room to keep her feet from meeting the frigid floorboards.

One of the wonderful things about living in the tower, along with the solitude that it offered her, was that it came with its own bathroom. One that Y/N tried to take advantage of as much as possible.

She gathered up her things - a bathrobe, a change of clothes, a cloth, and a towel - and headed to the bathroom. She shut and locked the door behind her before carefully laying her things out on the counter. Then, ever so slowly, she removed her pendant from around her neck. She set it down atop her change of clothes and let out a sigh as the burning sensation subsided. Thankfully, Wednesday wasn't thinking about anything too pressing at the moment, and his thoughts were quiet. Maybe she would actually be able to get some peace for a change.

She stripped out of her night clothes and tossed them into the laundry basket in the corner of the bathroom. Then, she turned on the taps. The room should have been cold, cold enough to bring goosebumps to her skin and make her shiver all over, but it was warm. The plants covering the walls and the floor protected her feet from the chilly tiles of the bathroom, and she had grown moss over the edges of the window to block out any draft that might manage to slip in. And as the bath started to fill, steam filled the bathroom.

Soon the bath was full and Y/N shut off the tap. Then, she gingerly lifted one foot and stepped down into the steaming water. Warmth surged up her body and she felt her body relax, nearly to the point of feeling like she was about to collapse right there by the bath. She kept her wits though and she brought her other foot over the edge before sliding entirely beneath the surface of the water.

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