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As the story continues Y/N will be like Gojo his canon personality not his fanon one

the Creator was he was the first,the alpha and the omega,the omnipotence. Creator wants,no, he needed someone trusted, so Creator made their so called first creations the "seraphims" Creator's hands danced gently, golden light shined brightly,creators mind wander on how the Creator would name their
very first creations. They decided to name them

"Lucifer Morningstar" they said, and the Seraphim he opened his eyes his naked body in display infront of his...his mind stopped as if he wonders how,and where,what is going on, his heart beat quickened sweating violently ragged breathing can be heard. The Creator smiled gently. They were proud of what they had made.

"My child," they spoke. "Im your Creator the first and the last the alpha and the omega the all knowing one you must calm down." Lucifer stared at the voice....'wha...' he stared at the beautiful light in front of him, he cant help but cry and bow down to his ominous presence. "I am in your mercy," Lucifer said his very first word he uttered. Creator smiled at his beautiful voice. Creator spoken with a gentle voice, "Lucifer Morningstar, how do you feel?"

Lucifer lifted his head and replied "I feel bare, as if its wrong to be bare infront of you my...god" He said Creator smiled gently "My child, my first born son, you hadn't need to feel wrong for such foolish reason" Creator laughed, thier laugh was gentle and...soothing Lucifer thought
"I see... then I apologize for my foolish reasons. " Lucifer lowered his head. The Creator swayed his hands, and light covered the beautiful angel, and a white robe covered his whole body, and lucifer felt comfortable.

"For now, my child, you will help me create our heaven because lucifer you are higher than any beings I've created, and that is my blessing." Lucifer eyes widen and are ecstatic
"Thank you so much, my dear Creator. Im very grateful." lucifer bowed and kissed the floor to show submissions, his wings fluttering

"But of course you'll need another wing to help you, you wouldn't mind that this one I'm creating would be say powerful?. But dont worry your position is still in place they just would be a protector of our own making...protector of heaven"
The creators smiled as if....they knew what would happen in the future. Lucifer nodded he didn't care about whos more stronger he ought to be his creators servant

And then there was a yelllow light 6 wings flapped and the white covered robed person stands up and stare at them with no emotion, their eyes was dull and made eye contact with lucifers blue ones and finally looked at their creator

"Was it you who made me?" The person first word, they tilted their head in question

"Why yes, my child, I made you beautiful and strong." The creator gleamed proud to themselves
The person didn't bow nor gave thanks. They just stayed silent, Lucifer irked at their manners. But the creator didn't mind, for they are benevolent and kind

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