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Aisha:- Diana dear come here
Diana:- Of course mother
Aisha:- Dear u need to know that these things are for men's not for us women
Diana:- That's not right mother don't u see that in our Indian history there are a lot of women who was warriors especially my sister queen Lakshmi Bai
Aisha:- Dear she's a queen & we are just normal people
Diana:- It's OK u know me well I have never said no to any of the things u say it to me but I will never stop the sword or the horse riding or any of that things
Aisha:- OK dear as u wish now go & fresh up & be ready & come let's eat
Diana:- OK

*Note* Lakshmi Bai isn't Diana real sister they friends like sisters so both of them call each other sisters & also They trained in fencing from the same master so there bond's are like sisters & in this story there are alot of bonds like that it's a real & fiction story. Some characters & the things which will happen isn't true.

Mohamed:- What's wrong Aisha?
Aisha:- Ur daughter Diana
Mohamed:- U are always like that let her do what she likes
Aisha:- U are the reason that makes her loves these things
Mohamed:- U know the truth she isn't like us so we have to take her full responsibility
Aisha:- OK I will stop talking now
Mohamed:- It's better I will eat something quickly before I go to my work
Aisha:- OK here take
Mohamed:- Thank u

40 minutes later......

Aisha:- Ganga, Diana, & Jalal come to eat u have taken so long what are u guys doing?
Ganga:- I'm coming mom
Jalal:- Me too
Aisha:- Diana?
Diana:- 1 minute
Jalal:- So mom we are the same food of yesterday don't we have something else to eat?
Aisha:- Honey u know we aren't rich to buy whatever we desire what ur father can bring we will eat
Diana:- we should thank God brother that we have something to eat some people don't have anything to eat
Aisha:- See listen to ur see
Jalal:- She always talks when no one asks her why did u talk?
Diana:- What do u mean brother? I didn't mean anything by that
Jalal:- Please just stop
Diana:- ......
Aisha:- Jalal why are u talking to ur sister like that? Say sorry to her
Jalal:- Mother?
Aisha:- I won't repeat myself say sorry
Jalal:- Sorry
Aisha:- Not like that
Diana:- It's OK mom no problem
Jalal:- OK then I'm going to my father to see if he needs help
Diana:- I'm going to my room
Aisha:- Wait dear complete ur food u didn't eat anything
Diana:- Thnx I'm not hungry I will eat later

I always ask myself why does my brother  hate me this much I didn't do anything to him I feel like he's jealous specially when my father brings something for me please God help me what's wrong? I have to clear my mind so I went outside to the stable & took my horse & run to my secret place to clear my mind & think clearly.

I always ask myself why does my brother  hate me this much I didn't do anything to him I feel like he's jealous specially when my father brings something for me please God help me what's wrong? I have to clear my mind so I went outside to the stab...

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         Diana horse "Pavan"

         Diana relaxing place

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         Diana relaxing place

I don't know how but I know how to speak turkish ottomans language I have never studied the ottomans language but I'm always asking myself how do I know it? I have learned many languages Italian,  Russian, English (British) because of the British conquer to India so I learned there language to fight them with same weapon they are using & also Greek language & many orher languages my father always says to me that the best weapon to fight the enemy is by educating myself with the same weapon & education so he educated me will even when I know that he doesn't have a lot of money to do all that.

I closed my eyes & start to sing in Greek language to clear my mind of what happened today.

1 hour later......

I went back home & find my father there what's wrong what's happening why's he here? It's his time to come. I don't know why but I feel like there's something bad that happened.

Diana:- Father what's wrong?
Ganga:- *Crying* My father got fired
Diana:- What why? Father what's wrong tell me?
Mohamed:- Dear I have lost everything some people took all of my things & accused me of stealing it so they hit me with the rocks & destroyed my things they even didn't give us anything to eat
Diana:- How dare they do that? They know who u are why are they doing that?
Aisha:- So what are we gonna do now?
Mohamed:- Don't have any idea
Diana:- Go to the queen & tell her everything she will help u
Aisha:- Right Mohamed go
Mohamed:- OK I will
Diana:- Goodluck father
Mohamed:- Thnx dear

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