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Aisha:- Please God help us
Ganga:- Mother don't worry
Aisha:- why is ur father late Jalal go & see what happened with him
Jalal:- OK
Ganga:- Ha here he's
Aisha:- What happened? What did Queen Dorga say?
Mohamed:- She didn't believe me she believed them & she said that we need to leave the country not only the city they put a post in everywhere in India that no one should help is
Ganga:- but I don't think that in Jhansi something like that will happen isn't Queen Lakshmi Bai my sister friend? She can help is she won't kick us out
Mohamed:- Dear Don't u understand me in everywhere in India even Jhansi I know the Queen Lakshmi Bai won't do something like that & she will let us stay with her & fight everyone for us but u know that they have a lot the things in her mind we don't want to add another stress to her mind
Aisha:- so what are going to do now?
Mohamed:- We only have one solution is to go across the sea 🌊 & the near country we will stay in it & start our new lofe there
Aisha:- but the near one's the Ottomanese Empire
Diana:- Ottomanese?
Mohamed:- We don't have any other solution we will go tonight so be ready take ur clothes & Jalal & I will go to bring a boat so that it can take us there
Aisha:- OK
Diana:- Mom , Dad I have to go
Aisha:- Where?
Diana:- I need to go to Jhansi & say bye to Lakshmi Bai sister & my master Tatia
Aisha:- But dear it will take 2 hours from u no don't go
Mohamed:- It's OK woman let her go
Diana:- thnx dad I will go now so that I can come early bye
Mohamed:- bye dear take care of urself
Diana:- OK

After 2 hours......

I'm now on my way back home this is the last time I will see my country so I stopped for a while to breathe the oxygen of it I'm gonna miss everything here even my horse I can't leave him here I have to tell my father to change the way we don't need to go with the boat we can go by horse in the desert it's safer than the sea we don't know what will happen there. When I will reach now home I will tell my father to change his mind I don't even think that he will find a boat at this time because foreign merchants took all the boats and ships to trade abroad. So riding with the horse is the only way I will even stop near my friend house Asma so that I can say goodbye to her.

2 hours later......

*Door Knock*

Asma:- Who's there?
Diana:- it's me Asma
Asma:- Diana? Wait I will open
Diana:- Hello my friend
Asma:- hello Diana
Diana:- I came to say goodbye
Asma:- Why? Where are u going?
Diana:- we are leaving India
Asma:- U are going & leaving me here all alone?
Diana:- Sorry dear I have to go it's not in my hand this is the queen order
Asma:- Is it because of what happened in the market today? With ur father?
Diana:- yeah no one believed him even the queen she even order us to leave the whole country not only her city she even posts that no city here should help is
Asma:- I'm sorry Diana I will miss u so much & know something we believe ur father we know who's he
Asma Father:- Who told u this?
Asma:- Father?
Diana:- Uncle?
Asma Father:- see stay away from my daughter & children I don't want to see a thief man daughter near us
Diana:- Behave urself Uncle u know I have been behaving myself all the time but u have crossed the line u are talking about my father he's not a thief how can u say something like that about him? Did u forget he's ur friend
Asma Father:- He was before everything happen so please go away from my hose & don't show ur face again to us
Asma:- Father no don't say something like that about them they are good
Diana:- It's OK Asma listen to ur father & go don't disobey him I will go now & don't worry Uncle u will never see our face again we are leaving from here Asma I wish For u a happy life bye
Asma:- ......

Aisha:- dear why are u late?
Diana:- sorry mom I was just saying goodbye to Asma & her father also believes what everyone's saying he kicked me out
Aisha:- I know dear no one believes us even my neighbors did invite me to enter there house & say goodbye to them
Diana:- where's dad?
Aisha:- Upstairs he's so sad because even the boat man didn't sail one for him because of the queen orders
Diana:- It's OK we can go with our horses
Aisha:- how we only have three horses ur father ur brother & urs
Diana:- Don't worry I can walk u & my sister & father can sit & me & Jalal can ride we will take turns don't worry
Mohamed:- Diana is right u & Ganga & u too Diana will sit at the horse & me & Jalal will ride walking the horse
Aisha:- It's OK
Mohamed:- C'mon now let's go call Jalal & Ganga
Diana:- Father give me the things U will take them & but them outside
Mohamed:- OK dear here take tem
Diana:- OK
Ganga:- Sister why didn't u take everything with u?
Diana:- I took all my clothes & my sword & arrows what else?
Ganga:- I thought u did take everything because ur bag doesn't look big
Mohamed:- U know ur sister she doesn't like to buy a lot of things she loves something else
Ganga:- Yeah right

1 day later......

Mohamed:- Aisha why do u want to stop now? We still have two days to reach there if we will stop like tht we will take more than 2 days to reach
Aisha:- I'm just a little tired u know that I can't be like that all the time without eating or drinking something
Mohamed:- From where I will bring water to u let us reach to a lake & we will drink & fill the bottle
Diana:- Father there's a lake near here give it to me I will fill all the bottles u can stop here guys to rest a little if u want or u can complete & I will come after u
Mohamed:- No it's dear u can go we will wait for u here of course & take Ur brother with u
Diana:- OK
Mohamed:- Jalal go with her
Jalal:- Give me the bottles u are a woman u can't take them when they are fill
Diana:- But of course I can take them now & BTW don't forget why we have our bags to take them in it
Jalal:- *Glaring*

20 minutes later......

Diana:- Here father mother sister take drink some water
Aisha:- Thank u dear Alhamdullah I'm full God bless u
Mohamed:- OK let's complete our way now
Aisha:- Yeah ok

1 day later......

Diana:- Father I will take the horses to drink
Mohamed:- OK dear
Diana:- Ganga please can u come with me & bring the other horse with u?
Ganga:- Sure sis

15 minutes walking......

Ganga:- Sister?
Diana:- Yeah?
Ganga:- I'm scared
Diana:- Why?
Ganga:- What will happen to us in this new country we don't know anything there or anyone not even there language I mean it will be easy for u because u know there language but we don't
Diana:- Don't worry sister God is with us & will help us with everything just put ur faith in him
Ganga:- OK u are right
Diana:- OK now the horses have drink let's go back to them now
Ganga:- Yeah

Mohamad:- Jalal, Diana, & Ganga come & sleep we have a very long night we will take some rest then continue our way
Aisha:- yea come & sleep all of u
Jalal:- Yeah we will
Ganga:- OK mom
Diana:- I don't feel sleepy
Aisha:- OK dear at least lie down
Diana:- Um... OK I will

I was lying down but sleep was have never reach me I don't know why but I feel that my life will be changed when I will reach the Ottomanese Empire I feel like I have a relation with this place like I know it before or I relate to this place. Oh God what is the fate & destiny hiding for us? Please give me the power to stay strong & defend all the thing that will stand in my way & to safe my family my country.

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