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Diana:- Sultana Hurrem
Sultana Hurrem:- Diana
Diana:- Sultana Sehzade Muhamed & Sehzade Bayezid they learned the Italian language they still have a lot to learn from the Greek language
Sultana Hurrem:- That's good but all of this happened because of u if they weren't having a good teacher like u they wouldn't have learned this quickly u can ask me anything & I'm going to do it for u
Diana:- Thank u Sultana I didn't do anything if they weren't ready to learn I would have never been able to do anything & for the thing I want I just have a question Sultana if u will allow me please?
Sultana Hurrem:- Of course dear anything
Diana:- Please Sultana where's my mother? Please tell me
Sultana Hurrem:- ......
Diana:- ......
Sultana Hurrem:- I will tell u everything dear when the right time will come
Diana:- What do mean?
Sultana Hurrem:- U will know soon dear
Diana:- *Confused* Ok Sultana if u will excuse me now I will go to see if the Sehzadim needs anything
Sultana Hurrem:- *Smiling* OK dear

20 minutes later......

Ibrahim pasha:- Sultana
Diana:- Ibrahim Pasha why are all of u calling me Sultana?
Ibrahim pasha:- I'm sorry it's not in my place to tell u Sultana
Diana:- Tell me what?
Ibrahim pasha:- U will know soon everything
Diana:- Wait Pasha where are u going? Pasha?

What's wrong please Allah help me understand everything no one wants to tell me anything. I have to know everything.

Aga:- *Bowing* Sultana. The Sultan wants to talk with u
Diana:- Are u talking to me?
Aga:- Yes Sultana
Diana:- OK where's he?
Aga:- Come with me please
Diana:- OK lead the way


Aga:- My Hunkarim the Sultana is here
Sultan Suleiman:- Let her in
Aga:- OK My Hunkarim
Diana:- Sultan Suleiman they said u wanted me
Sultan Suleiman:- That's right dear

The Sultan Raised my face with his fingers & pit it down my cheeks smiling at me. I'm really confused what's wrong with all of them? I really have to know everything I will put someone to bring for me information about where's my mother.

Diana:- My Hunkarim
Sultan Suleiman:- I'm hearing u dear
Diana:- Are u fine Hunkarim?
Sultan Suleiman:- Yes Don't worry come I want to give u something

Diana:- Hunkarim it's so beautiful but sorry I can't accept it who am I to accept it? I'm just a free woman who came here to work for my family sake
Sultan Suleiman:- U will know soon who u are u will know everything I promise but now C'mon take it. It's an order
Diana:- *Bowing* Thanks my Hunkarim

20 minutes later......

Diana:- Yes see please bring for me all the informations about my mother I want to know where's she
Spy:- Don't worry I will
Diana:- How long should I wait?
Spy:- Don't worry just for today tomorrow Insallah from the morning everything will ne with u
Diana:- That's good Insallah tomorrow I will be waiting for it

Esma:- Sultana the Sehzadim is waiting for u
Diana:- OK I was going to them anyway I was just having something important to do like that I was late for them
Esma:- Don't worry Sultana
Diana:- Esma please stop calling me Sultana I'm not a Sulana
Esma:- ......

At Night......

Diana:- Ha did u find everything I asked u for?
Spy:- Yes everything
Diana:- OK tell me
Spy:- Ur mother is at jail
Diana:- What why?
Spy:- I don't have idea about it but all I know it's something that concern with Sultana Hurrem
Diana:- Oh I won't be able to go to her now tomorrow from morning I will ask her why
Spy:- ......
Diana:- Thanks again & here's ur money Goodnight
Spy:- Goodnight

At Morning......

Diana:- Sultana
Sultana Hurrem:- Diana good morning
Diana:‐ Morning Sultana I have something important I need to talk to u about it
Sultana Hurrem:- Of course anything
Diana:- I know that my mo......

*Knocking Door*
Sultana Hurrem:- Come in
Sumbul Aga:- Sultanim
Sultana Hurrem:- Sumbul Aga? What's their from the morning?
Sumbul Aga:- Nothing Sultana it's just the Valide Sultana asked all of u to come to here chamber she said the Sultan is going to come there because he has something important to say
Sultana Hurrem:- OK We will come I will bring the kids with me
Sumbul Aga:- OK Sultana
Sultana Hurrem:- Diana honey we will talk later OK dear?
Diana:- Of course Sultana I will wait for u outside so that u can be ready
Sultana Hurrem:- No dear u are coming with me u don't need to get out I'm ready & u are even a member of the family
Diana:- Thnx Sultana but I'm just a normal person
Hurrem Sulana:- OK now we are ready let's go & yeah Nazli bring the princes & Mihrimah Sultana with u
Nazli:- Of course Sultana

Dastur Hunkarim Sultan Suleiman

Sultan Suleiman:- Valide
Valide Hafsa Sultana:- My Light

Sultan Suleiman:- Mother pray for us to win this battle & make our empire more & more bigger
Valide Hafsa Sultana:- I always pray for u son & ur sister Hatice Sultana wasn't able to come u know she's pregnant & the midwife told her to not move a lot so that she won't lose the child again
Sultan Suleiman:- Don't worry Valide I know my lovely sister even Ibrahim Pasha told me
Valide Hafsa Sultana:- That's good son

Diana:- Sultana Hurrem I need to talk to u about something so important please
Sultana Hurrem:- Of course dear anything come Lets go to my chamber then we can talk
Diana:- OK Sultana


Sultana Hurrem:- OK dear what's wrong?
Diana:- I'm sorry Sultana but I want to kbow why did u put my mother at the jail?
Sultana Hurrem:- What?
Diana:- Sultana I know everything I have someone who spied for me & told me everything please tell me the reason
Sultana Hurrem:- U will know soon dear
Diana:- Sultana my mother is an old woman she won't be able to take it anymore please put me instead of her
Sultana Hurrem:- No no dear never don't worry she will be out soon & why would I put u instead of her u didn't do anything
Diana:- Sultana...
Sultana Hurrem:- U are dismissed now dear I will see u later
Diana:- OK Sultana as u wish


Esma:- Sultana Diana what's wrong?
Diana:- Esma? U are calling me Sultana again?
Esma:- ......
Diana:- Don't worry anyway how's the Sehzadim?
Esma:- They are good
Diana:- perfect
Esma:- I'm sorry to ask but are u good??? I feel like u are thinking about something
Diana:- That's right Esma I'm thinking about my mother Sultana Hurrem put here on jail I don't know what's her crime & no one is ready to help me I don't have any other choice then to go to Valide Sultana
Esma:- What?
Diana:- Yes I'm going now
Esma:- Sultana Diana wait please Sultana
Diana:- ......


Diana:- Daye Hatun
Daye Hatun:- Sultana
Diana:- Please Daye Hatun tell the Valide Sultana that I want to see her please
Daye Hatun:- Of course Sultana

Valide Hafsa Sultana:- Diana what's wrong?
Diana:- Sultana sorry for bothering u but I have something important to say it to u
Valide Hafsa Sultana:- Speak dear
Diana:- Sultana Hurrem put my mother at the jail what's her crime she didn't even tell me anything she's also an old woman how will she be able to take it all
Valide Hafsa Sultana:- Dear ur Aisha hatun did something wrong with a member of our dynasty
Diana:- I'm sorry Sultana but I'm sure it's not like that my mom will never hurt anyone she doesn't even know how to hurt someone
Valide Hafsa Sultana:- I'm sorry but this isn't the truth
Diana:- Then what's the truth why are u all hiding this from me? I have the right to know she's my mother
Valide Hafsa Sultana:- Dear it's not my place to tell u u can ask Hurrem or the woman u call mother
Diana:- And she's my mother
Valide Hafsa Sultana:- I don't think so
Diana:- *Confused*

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