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Ricky clenched his fists as he listened. He wanted to rip out his ears. He wanted to punch his ears till they would bleed. He just wanted to stop..listening.

"Get me more water Quanrui" His mother said handing him her cup. Ricky quietly poured in some water. Just as he was about to give his mother the cup, it slipped out of his hand and fell on the table.

"Eyyy see? This is what I was just talking about. He's too weak" His mother told her friends. His father just shook his head and focused on his food.

Whenever his parents visit Korea, they'd stay in Ricky's place and call over their Korean friends to come dine with them.

His mother's friends looked at him and clicked their tongues. Ricky bit his lip as he wiped the water.
"He really can't do anything. You already know this, we sent him to medical school and he switched over to music. So useless" His mother said shaking her head.

"Aiyoo look at him, he's too thin. If he had listened to you he would have made a lot of money to feed well. He's so skinny" His mom's friend said.

"I won't be surprised if he flies away with the wind" She said and they laughed. One of them turned to Ricky. "You're the same age with my son, twenty five right? Do you even have a girlfriend?"

Ricky slowly shook his head. "Eyyy too bad. What are you doing wasting your youth away?"

"Who would want to be with him? He's stubborn, doesn't have a good job, what even is a producer?..
And look at him, he dyed his hair. He looks so ugly it makes me mad" His mother said and clicked her tongue.

Ricky slowly stood up. He took his plate and walked into his room. He stayed in there for hours. He didn't move from his position as his mother's words kept floating in his head.

He got out of his room and walked to where his parents were. He saw how his mother's face changed when she saw him. He clenched his fists.

"What was the meaning of that mom?"

His mother glared at him. "What?"

"Why did you say those in front of your friends? Why did you have to embarrass me?" Ricky's mom scoffed as he listened to Ricky. "Embarrass? I simply said the truth. Did I lie?" She asked Ricky's dad and he shook his head.

Ricky scoffed as tears brimmed his eyes.
"You keep insulting me in front of everyone, no matter where. When I was in school, you did, at family gatherings, you do, anywhere."

"At least at home, can't you tell me I'm nice and handsome? It doesn't matter if you don't mean it.
I too...I also want to hear those things. Even if people call me skinny or whatnot. Can't my family say nice things to me?"

He wiped the tears and clenched his fists.
"If you can't be nice to me, at least don't hurt me"

His mother stood up and walked closer to him.
"Then change yourself. Don't push the blame on me for hating who you've become. Change."

Ricky's face fell in disbelief. "Mom.." He lowly said.
"Don't call me mom!" She yelled and looked at him in grimace. "I really hate you...So much that I can't even use words to explain it... Why weren't you the one who died? Why did Quanxi die and not you?"

"Mom.." He muttered as his tears fell. How could such words come from his mother. Why would she bring up the death of his brother. His brother's death brought drastic changes to his life, he lost the passion to be a doctor after he died, life became so bland.

"Why must we be left with the soured child? Huh?!"
She yelled, glaring at Ricky.

Ricky wiped his tears and sighed. "Then stop coming. If you two hate me that much you two should stop seeing me. Why do you still come back and pour salt on my wounds? Why don't you two just leave me alone?"

His mom scoffed. "And you wonder why we hate you. So ungrateful" She muttered. Ricky had enough, he took his phone and stormed out.

Ricky sighed as he looked at Ji Woong who was eating. Ji Woong noticed his glance and looked at him. "What? Can't handle my handsome face?"
He teased and Ricky smiled.

At least Hyung thinks I'm handsome.

Everything Wrong|| Riwoong.MattwoongWhere stories live. Discover now