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"That's it" Ji Woong said walking towards Matthew.

"Are the pictures good?" Matthew asked, taking his suit off. "Yeah, we don't even need editing, that's how good it is" Matthew nodded smiling when
Ji Woong said that.

"Change so we can eat, I made reservations"
Ji Woong said, patting Matthew's shoulder.


Ji Woong waited outside the building for Matthew. Matthew wore his jacket and stepped out.
"Let's go" He said rubbing his hands together.
Ji Woong looked at him and then at his hands.

"Are you cold?" Matthew sighed and nodded.
"Yeah, I think I'm under the weather. I feel so stuffy–

Matthew immediately stopped talking when
Ji Woong placed his scarf round his neck and grabbed his hand and put into his pocket. He looked at Ji Woong who was smiling at him.

"If you're cold, you can lean on me" He said rubbing Matthew's hand in his pocket. Matthew blinked and closed his gaped mouth. He quickly looked away.
"Uh- I..Yeah s-sure" He muttered as he felt his face heat up.


Matthew watched as Ji Woong cut his steak.
"Seriously, I could have done it" Matthew said.
Ji Woong looked up from the plate smiling.
"Just 'cause you can doesn't mean you should.
It's my treat afterall" He said and placed the plate in front of Matthew.

He poured some wine into his glass cup and placed in front of Matthew. "Eat up, If you want some more you can take mine" Ji Woong said smiling but his smile slowly fade when he saw Matthew looking at him without an expression.

"Is something wrong? Do you not like it? The wine..It's not to your taste or–

"No..I just.." Matthew paused, looking at Ji Woong.
He blinked his eyes, shaking his head slightly.
"Nevermind" He muttered and began eating.

Ji Woong kept on looking at Matthew, his eyes not leaving him. "Are you sure..everything's fine? If it's the restaurant we can go to another one. You don't need to force yourself if you feel uncomfortable-

Ji Woong stopped talking as his eyes slightly widened. He leaned in, trying to look at Matthew's hidden face. "Are..Are you crying? Wha- Is the steak that bad? I–

Matthew chuckled hearing Ji Woong's words, he shook his hands and wiped his tears smiling.
"No, nothing's wrong with the food. I just...I don't know, I guess I haven't been cared for like this before?...It feels new and..and it feels good"
Matthew said softly smiling.

Ji Woong sighed and held his hand on the table, caressing it gently trying to calm Matthew down.
"I finally know how it feels...Thank you, really."
He said. Ji Woong nodded, smiling back at him.

He took out his folded hanky and handed it to
Matthew. "It shouldn't be a big deal...everyone should be treated right..we're all humans"
Ji Woong said and Matthew nodded looking down.

"I'm human too" He muttered to himself smiling. He looked back at Ji Woong and smiled.
"Okay let's dig in, I'm sure you don't want your food cold" Ji Woong said lightly chuckling. Matthew nodded and began to eat.

As they ate, they conversed..well..Matthew was doing most of the talking while Ji Woong listened.
He would laugh, make some jokes and pitch in as Matthew talked.

He rested his head on his palm as he listened to Matthew ramble. Matthew would eat and talk,
Ji Woong looked at his plate and noticed he was almost done. He cut his steak into pieces and began to drop them piece by piece on his plate.

Matthew suddenly stopped talking. "Wah Hyung you finished eating quickly, Are you that hungry?"
Matthew said chuckling. Ji Woong chuckled back
"I guess...What were you saying again?"


Matthew looked at Ji Woong smiling, when
Ji Woong looked back at him he quickly looked away making Ji Woong shake his head as he chuckled.

"Do you still feel cold?" Ji Woong asked. Matthew pursed his lips. He wasn't that cold, he could do fine but...he oddly didn't want to let go. He felt comfortable. He intertwined their hands, smiling at Ji Woong.

"I'm fine this way" Ji Woong ruffled his hair and nodded.

Matthew suddenly stopped walking. Ji Woong looked at him but he was looking straight. He clenched Ji Woong's hand unconsciously.

Ji Woong looked in the direction Matthew was looking at and saw a man staring back at them.

He began walking closer to them with a scowl on his face. Ji Woong slightly moved Matthew behind him and took a stance waiting.

"Why aren't you picking up my calls?"
The man asked as soon as he got close. Ji Woong moved closer to him. "And you're talking to who?"

Hanbin looked at Matthew and looked at Ji Woong.
He scoffed. "No way. Is he the reason you've been ignoring my calls? Wahh You really are something"

Ji Woong's brows twitched as his lips curled into a smirk. "Matthew. He's Hanbin, right?"

Matthew sighed "Yes- look hyung, let's just go another way–
Ji Woong didn't move when Matthew tried walking away with him.

Ji Woong walked closer to Hanbin, their face so close. "Talk to him like that again and it will be the last thing you do...dare me" He muttered. Hanbin scoffed and looked at Matthew.

"You're letting him talk to me like this? Wah ridiculous-
Ji Woong fisted Hanbin's shirt and yanked him back to his position. He gritted his teeth and sighed.

"I'll fuck you up if you don't keep shut. I'll mess you up to the point you won't recognize yourself-
No, to the point your family won't recognize you.

Let this be the last time you bother Matthew. I don't want to see you call him or disturb him. I won't use words next time.

Stay away from him..he's with me now" Ji Woong said and yanked him away. He grabbed Matthew's hand and walked away.

Everything Wrong|| Riwoong.MattwoongWhere stories live. Discover now