11: WHAT??

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-Natalie's POV-

I woke up to someone shaking me. "Ugh...five more minutes," I whined.

"In five minutes I'll be dead, Natalie." I opened my eyes. I was laying on the ground, covered in Ahk's cape. Did I fall asleep?

"What? Huh?" I sat up. Ahk was trying to wake me. "Did I fall asleep?"

Ahk nodded. His cape slipped from my shoulders. "Four minutes till sunrise. I thought I'd let you know."

I rubbed my temples. "Last night...was that a dream?"

Ahk shook his head. "N-No." A small smile broke my face. I slipped my hand in his. He seemed shocked, but quickly recovered.

"C'mon. Dad's gonna go ballistic unless I show him I didn't die. Hey, how long did I sleep?" I asked. We started descending the stairs.

"About two hours. You seemed really tired." I had been. Exhausted, really.

"Sorry. Hey, I'd been meaning to ask you. Did the attacks stop? I haven't heard the voice lately, and I just drew a total blank. You seemed...not to have them anymore."

"They...have gone for the time." He didn't sound sure.

"Really? That's good news. But did you ever figure out what the voice was?"

He grew very pale. "I have my suspicions."

I grew extremely concerned. "Ahk, are you all right? You look...well, sick. Do you need to sit down or something?" He shook his head.

"I am fine. Natalie...well, I must get going. We'll figure out what the voice is tomorrow night." He kissed me quickly on the forehead and left. I stood there, watching him go. I wanted to help him, but I didn't know how. He needed something, but I couldn't tell what.

Vulnerability had been, and always would be my biggest problem. I hated to see anyone weak or in pain, vulnerable to the ways of the world.

"Natalie? Where have you been? I had the whole museum searching for you!" Dad scolded from behind me. I spun.

"Really? Sorry, Dad. I was on the roof. It's a good view. I fell asleep and then I woke up and it was almost sunrise. The steps are over there." I pointed to the steps. "You should try to relax on the job more often. Maybe that would calm you down. It's really relaxing up there." I just kept talking and talking, not giving him a chance to get a word in edgewise.

"So how did rehearsal go? I meant to come, but I fell asleep."

"It was...only a small disaster. Teddy amazed me, he already has the speech memorized, and I gave it to him tonight. Sacagawea was really well on timing, but the centurions forgot to stretch. The constellations decided to act up a bit tonight. I'm going to have a stern talk with them tomorrow night. And Rexy...let's say he's not going to come in at the beginning."

"How did Dexter do with your idea?" I asked.

"You'd better not ask. And Natalie."


"It's formal attire."

"Don't worry, I'll find something." I hoped I would. I hadn't had any time to get more clothes.

"Just in case you don't...Here." Dad handed me a hundred dollar bill.

"Really? No, I'm sure I'll be able to find something." I shoved the money back into his hands. "I really can't take this."

Another sign that I didn't fit in. A normal kid would take the money without question. I denied it.

"Dad...what if we don't get it working? What if it blows up in our faces? Are you gonna get fired?"

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