Academy and Vocabulary

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When all of them were sound asleep, the truck stopped moving. All the Kids woke up from the noise, quite confused what's going on till the door opened, Mr. S could be seen standing against a door, next to him was a woman..wasn't that Mrs. Morgan?

All of the Kids left the container/truck as they walked to the poarch, asking question one after another, as Mr. S cleared his throat all the kids went quiet.

>> Hello children, this is a academy for children like you, children with powers. This is your alls new home. <<

Mrs. Morgan said as all the kids began whispering around. Sora looked at Mr. S, they gazed meet, as they just stare at eachother.

>> Please enter everyone, this guard here, Mr. S will show your rooms, and I'm Mrs. Megan.<<

All Kids began entering, looking fascinated around the school. As they got a little tour while Mr. S brought them to the dorms, who looked like big rooms with many beds, all of them had a little table and a pin wall a-bow their bed. Everyone choose a bed randomly, as they began changing into a uniform that was on the beds.

As everyone had a nice uniform, they were starving. Suddenly a bell ringed and everyone followed the noise to downstairs, going to the cafeteria. It looked to cozy, and quite Middle Aged. Everyone sat down and looked down to the delicious soup Infront them, as they all began eating. Sora stood up, and goes to the wall, where Mr. S stood.

>> Hush, kiddo, go to the others, eat and do stuff! <<

He tried pushing him back but Sora hold into him, Mr. S sighed as he carried Sora back to his chair.

>> Look, it's very delicious soup, and it's very healthy, and look at you, all skin and bones, you need to be a chubby little boy in your age! <<

He tried convincing him to eat. Sora looked at the others and began understanding what he's supposed to do. He grabs the spoon weirdly as he tried getting soup on it, as he make it into the way to his mouth, the soup fell in the plate again. He turned around sad, looking Mr. S, trying to see if he's disappointed.

>> It's to miserable to watch, come here.<<

He kneels down as he began feeding Sora, as Sora began swinging his feet happily.

After all finished they all looked around and chilled as they spoke. Sora walked around as he saw the library. He looks around as his eyes catches something, a book about all laws of Liechtenstein.

He began running cutely around with a big book in his arms, searching for Mr. S, he saw him talking to Mrs. Morgan.

>> Dada. <<

Both of their sights went towards him, as he ran to Mr. S and held up the book.

>> I don't think that's a children book, kiddo..<<

Sora frowned, as he stomped with his feet. He really wanted him to read exactly that book.

>> Cmon, let him learn by reading it for him, and if he likes it, we got a smart kid, win-win situation. <<

Mrs. Morgan said to Mr. S, and he sighed.

>> Fine. Come here kiddo, I'll read it for you in the playroom. <<

Sora had a smile on his face, grabbing Mr. S hand while going, or like hopping to the play room. As they arrived, Mr. S would grab a chair and started reading, even tho his pronouncements were terrible, Sora would listen carefully, it almost seemed like his eyes were sparkling.

>> Kiddo..I really don't wanna read's been 76 pages! And I think it's bath time for you kids.. <<

Sora nodded, he stood up and ran to him.

>> tak uo, Dada!! <<

>> Uh..your welcome?.. <<

Sora smiled at him as he left the room to join everyone else.

A few weeks had past, everyone learned much stuff, as about math, English, history, but also all about powers, and their ranking in the power history, or how rare it it.

Even relationships began forming between the children.

Today was the first test, every kid had their own specialty, and it was made sure every kid studied and understood the themes, well most of them did.

'' (3x - 6)[²]"

'' Who are the pilgrams? ''

'' What Are your powers, what are they used for? What is its rank? "

And even more questions. The lights were off, everyone had a pen in their hand, some looked distressed, a few answered the questions in no time.

After 25 minutes, the time was over, the lights were on.

>> I'll now tell you the top three. On third place, we have Bug with 137p out of 200 points, on second place, we have Azuri with 176p out of 200, and on first place we have Sora with 177p out of 200! <<

Mrs Morgan said, as the older kids started complaining how they 'lost' against toddlers.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06 ⏰

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