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A tiny hatchling inside an egg hearing a few voices.

"This is ridiculous. Why do we have to let our eggs hatch out here?" A male voice scowled. 

"Because, tonight is three moons. And we've never had a trice moon born dragonet in centuries." A female voice explained.

The tiny hatchling felt the world around her being moved then being settled down as the walls around her began to turn white.

"What dose it mean when they turn white? Do these two have more Icewing in them?" The male voice asked.

"No, when Nightwing dragonets hatch under the moons there egg turns white." Foeslayer mentioned.

"What about the other one. Why is it not white?" The male voice growled.

"Maybe it's not-"

"Why are we near a cliff anyways! They could fall! In our kingdom we leave them buried in the snow." The male voice said cutting the female voice off.

Visions started to run through the tiny hatchlings brain. Flashes of black scales with blood running along from it. Someone's in danger.

Come out now! Come out NOW! Another unfamiliar voice yelled closely at the tiny hatchling.

The tiny hatchling lashed her tail causing a big crack.

Then another crack happened.

"Aw, our dragonets are already hatchling." The female voice said lovingly.

"Not this one." The male voice scowled. "Something must be wrong with this one."

"Nothing is wrong with my dragonets!" The female voice roared in rage.

The tiny hatchling let out another crack this time light came in.

Flashes began to flood through her brain again. Flashes of blood, red and blue blood. These dragons are in danger.

The tiny hatchling started to crawl out of it's walls only seeing three circular white moons pouring in on her.

She flared out her tiny wings breaking the entire egg shell only to slightly fall out of it.

The tiny hatchling shook it's tiny head and looked around at the scenery. She finally found another tiny hatchling looking at her with it's cyan eyes.

The tiny hatchlings then looked at the adult dragons. One was dark green and one was white.

The tiny hatchling looks at her scales only to see dark midnight blue scales clash in with crystal white scales. The tiny hatchling examined looked at the two big dragons again.

She belonged to both of them, but the white dragon had hate and anger sensed inside of him while the black dragon which assuming that she's the mother, had love inside of her. She belonged to the black dragon. The white dragon assuming it was the father, was dangerous. The Mother was more loving and more safe to be around.

"Darkstalker," Mother said. "Hello, darling." The black dragon said holding out her talons as the dragonet named Darkstalker climbed into them willingly.

The dark dragon let out a long smile at me. Her love felt with embers that will never go out. The dark dragon looked at me as she held out a hand towards me.

"IceMoon," the mother said. "Hello, darling." She repeated as IceMoon glanced at Darkstalker who had made a signal with his head to come.

IceMoon hesitantly crawled into the mother's hand as she was leaned closer to Darkstalker.

Back In Time -A Wings of Fire Fanfic- (Rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now