Chapter 2

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Sorry for not updating in this book for awhile. I've recently gotten strep throat which isn't fun.

SoulReader's POV

Clearsight had been awake all day, fidgeting scrolls into tiny shredded peices and knocking over inkwells with her tail as she paced around her room.

"Hey, sis." I called out walking into the room. "Mother said that it's time to wake up." I looked at her as my expression flattened. "Sis?"

"Oh, look at this mess." Clearsight said with her wings twitching. "Maybe I could stay home for one more night to clean all this up."

I couched in front of her and spread my wing around her. "The real mess in here is you, sis."

"Mother said that it's time for you to go and you know it. Father put a rattlesnake on your plate for breakfast."

"No, rattlesnake will make me hiccup during introduction circle." Clearsight said as she started to panic. "Fish could make my talons slippery so I land awkwardly." Her expression then calmed. "I guess I'll have a squirrel. I can't see any unfortunate consequences."

"Clearsight," I spoke. "Your powers starting to get the better of you. I know you have the strongest foreseeing and I have the strongest mind reading, but..your power is starting to stress you out. Just.. don't worry about what your visions tell you. Worry about yourself and not about other dragons. Ok?"

Clearsight nodded slightly.

Breathe, Clearsight's mind echoed in my head. Tonight. You'll meet him tonight. You know it, and he almost certainly knows it.

A flash of a dragon smiling pops up in Clearsight's mind.

I examine her. "Mind telling me on who that was?" I ask her. I slightly adjusted my crescent moon neckless.

Clearsight looked off to the side. "His name is Darkstalker, and..he's the dragon that's going to change my life forever, have a dragon that's going to change your life forever."

I let out a slight smirk. "Mind telling me on who that is?"

"Her name is IceMoon. She's Darkstalker's twin. You'll just have to find more about her when you meet her." Clearsight said getting up.

"Well, let's not wait any longer and let's go." I called to her.

I could sense Clearsight's fear overcrowding her excitement.

This doesn't have to change everything. Clearsight's mind echoed. I'm still holding the threads. I can control what happens next.

For instance, Clearsight knew Darkstalker was going to be waiting for her right outside the school. Darkstalker wanted to meet her as soon as she landed.

He might try to pretend for a moment that it was all a coincidence.

Who are you?

Have we met?

What do you mean, what destiny?

But Clearsight wasn't going to play those games. Darkstalker surely made her face in his head as clearly as she knew his.

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