Chapter 3

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SoulReader's POV

I was relieved when Mindgazer finally released the class and I was able to find my way to room 9A. It turned out to be a beautiful classroom.

Airy and full of light, which plants and little water features everywhere. The teacher showed me around.

"These are our pet scavengers," said the teacher, beaming as she patted the top of a large scale cage. "Two females. They're quite fierce, so don't stick your talons in the cage, just to be safe."

I wouldn't say fierce. I would say that there... Sad..

Sad.. mad.. afraid. The scavengers emotions whispered in my head.

Ok there mad, but not fierce enough to cut my talons off. There mostly afraid of us. Which I guess it's relatable.

"We rotate whose turn it is to feed them, and we're doing a yearlong study of their behavior. They're not just adorable, but they're also quite fascinating." The teacher finished.

I glanced at them again only seeing them asleep. With their emotions slowly fading in there minds. I wondered on what they ate to survive.

"A lot of fruit." Said a familiar dragon hovering nearby, "nuts, seeds, and sometimes bits of meat if we roast it for them."

"Oh, Listener," the teacher said. "Would you take care of our new student for the rest of the day?"

"Sure," Listener said, brightening. She was large for a three year old, with curved that suggested she was a very successful hunter. And she had the mind reading silver scales beside her eyes.

Oh, Listener was in the mind reading training class. I thought with realization.

"Correct." Listener said her wings flaring a bit with excitement. "That thing you said about Crescent was hilarious."

I slightly laughed. "Yeah, it was funny."

"Also," Listener said examining me. "I didn't know you had such powerful mind reading. I bet it's kind of weird looking into everyone's soul like that."

"It's not too weird. I'm used to it by now. Besides Clearsight has the same thing."

"Clearsight?" Listener echoed as I barricaded my thoughts quickly just to be safe.

I'm very superstitious about seers..I would much rather be surprised by life then knowing every detail about it. Listener's soul echoed.

(Ok..sort of weird, but not the weirdest thing I've seen. I hope she doesn't have a problem with Clearsight's gift.)

Then I heard talon steps as anxious thoughts overcrowded me. That could only mean one thing. I quickly turned around seeing Clearsight beaming at me with a smile.

"Hey Clearsight, I didn't know you had this class with me." I said to her walking towards her.

"Yeah, me neither." Clearsight replied as she looked beside me to see Listener. "Who's your new friend?"

"Um, I'm Listener. Nice to meet you. You must be Clearsight." Listener said walking towards her. Clearsight nodded, but then saw the silver tear drop scales beside her eyes.

Uh-oh..Another mind reader..That's just what I need. Clearsight's thoughts said.

Listener had a hurt expression on her face while I only walked up towards Clearsight. "Clearsight, you don't mean that do you?"

Listener was glancing down at her claws, her wings dropping slightly.

"I'm so sorry," Clearsight said quickly towards both of us. "I'm just..the only mind reader I had to deal with growing up was SoulReader. I'm not used to other dragons snooping around in my head. I don't know how to shield my thoughts or only think nice things or anything." Clearsight then pointed a wing towards me.

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