First WARNING ‼️

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Kelvin Belinsky

The day before

"Where the fuck is the baby powder?" Alexandra Belinsky asked. His voice was moulded into a Russian accent that bounced off the walls even though he wasn't on speaker.
I could almost imagine how his face turned into a bloody war zone after that question—twitching eyes that might as well have quaked the Earth. Sharpened eyes that might as well have slaughtered and burnt a live human-being. Not that he's never done it before, not that I've never done it either.

His term of 'baby powder' was just a way of escaping the word 'cocaine'. Somehow, it made everything we did in our business sound matter the atrocities.


"Kelvin, how dare you turn your back on your own family?"

What he meant was, "how dare you refuse to give a signature for the riches that's awaiting, how dare you reject the family business?", because rejecting it somehow felt like rejecting my own family.
Signing was never the hard part, anyone could've signed a paper in mere seconds for billions, but I was just a chicken running away from something that I already had. I was running away from faculty. I was running away from DNA, and it wasn't possible.

"Kelvin, how dare you?"

"Very exquisitely." I responded, bringing my hand to my chest to check if I was still alive because there was no way I was still breathing. The heaving of my chest would've been long gone if I was speaking to Alexandra Belinsky. When he kept quiet for so long, I thought he was already planning my death.

By the time he suddenly ended the call without a bye, I hopped in my car and drove to my house. I was heading straight through the forest crowded by huge, tall trees when I thought about Belinsky and the possible ways he could kill me. Beyond the line of trees was a huge gaping field with a bunch of goats, cows, and piglets running around, and if you drove further through the narrow road, you'd realise what the line of trees were hiding. The house that stood in the middle of this chaos, was a four-story palace-like building with a helicopter on the roof. Its white walls were meticulously designed to represent peace, but a man with a black soul lived in it, (me).

Mastermind's car was parked outside when I pulled in right beside a familiar Ford Bronco. A woman who wore a pink suit sat in the driver's seat as she busied herself on the phone. She was one of those people I always saw, but never really payed attention to. The only thing I ever realised about her was her light-brown hair that always glowed gold under the sun's rays.

I walked to Belinsky when I got out of my car. He stood against his Rolls-Royce Phantom that was parked right into my fucking tennis court. He shook his arm out as I walked to him, checking the time. 09:47. The silver of his Rolex Bao was shining under the soft sun, his Kiton suit simple as ever. He'd worn it black and simple ever since centuries ago, looking as harmless as ever, but we all knew there was a pistol under all that harmlessness.

"I don't see shit in your hands." He hissed at me, and I stood right there, giving my beard a slight brush as I paged through my thoughts.
"Where's the baby powder?" He asked again, but this time, I could physically see how the redness of his face spread all across like a big fat tomato.

"Don't know what you're talking about." I responded grimly.

He opened the door of his car, took out a black leather bag, and threw the heaviness on the floor.
It was one of the twelve bags I left under the bridge along the Union Canal (for our customers). "The others are gone." He said, almost in a whisper.

When I opened the bag, seven bags of 2kg pure cocaines were stashed vertically inside, a letter written in Russian as well, and I opened it.

У тебя есть что-то наше

You've got something of ours.


More info: Hi guys, My name is MelonWeirdo. I hope you enjoyed the first part of Wicked Love.

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