Flashbacks & Foreshadows

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Ruth Morgan

The first kidnapping

He was here.

He'd gotten here just a minute ago, he'd almost killed my children, and after all those centuries, he still acted like shit from a constipation.

Clearly the mental institution didn't work.

Neither did Jail.

"Here." Max offered two happy meals.

"No thank you, Max."

"Call me Mastermind." He insisted again, but I had no plans of listening to any rubbish they were giving me, all I wanted was to get home and be safe with my kids, Zechariah and Isaiah. Both of them were sleeping soundlessly, Zack on my right and Isa on my left.

"How's life been? Husband?" Kelvin asked in the rearview mirror. I locked eyes with him and stared, hard.
"Okay, not yet."

"Not ever." I snapped.

"Relax Ruth, it's not like we're gonna kill any of y'all."

"I didn't ask you." I responded, my heart suddenly turning stony. These people had ruined almost a decade of my life, and I wasn't letting it happen again. I had trauma, way too much trauma, and seeing Kelvin's eyes in the rearview only made me remember the feeling of his shoe against my rib. His eyes were like a projector that kept playing the scenes of everything embarrassing that happened to me.

A whole century had passed before the car turned into a vacant open area. The tall trees that surrounded it seemed to block out the world and hide everything inside. A huge private jet stood in the middle of the crown as it lit the entire place. Cassidy, Candy, Jasmine, and Charlotte were walking towards us when we pulled in. I made a long ass eye contact with Candy before tapping Zack and Isa to wake up. I couldn't believe she was here. Hell, I couldn't believe she was still alive even after all those spells I put her under. Candy was alive meanwhile a witch—me, myself, and I—used sorceries and curses on her. Damn, I couldn't even believe she was still breathing after all those prayers I'd delivered to God. She should've been dead, her corpse should have been six feet underground, and I wouldn't have to see her face ever again.

Kelvin disrupted my thoughts when he got out of the car, opened the door on my side, and pointed the gun at me.

"Get the fuck out." He said to me. His tone sounded as if he had a grudge on me, and yet I was the one with the many reasons to have a grudge.
Trying all my might to hold back a fight, I got out with Zack and Isa behind me.

Candy unfortunately came into view again. She wore bedazzled jeans, Allstars, and a white shirt. Her dark brown hair floated along the cold wind, and I would've sworn I was seeing a slo-mo commotion. Her cheeks were flushed, and she looked just as surprised to see me. When it clicked in my head that she was walking towards us, I suddenly felt my legs freeze, and when she saw my reaction, she took one step, and then she stopped. After that, she started skipping towards me. Seeing her do that made me think about our past, how she would skip to my house everyday so we could go to the park, and the closer she skipped, the weaker my body felt.

"No." I whispered. I wanted to tell her to stop, I wanted to tell her that I didn't want to see her, I was not ready, but my voice wouldn't get to work. Maybe my brain knew anything I said at that point was useless.
I asked God to never see Kelvin's ugly face again, and he showed up right at my fucking door. I didn't want to remember. Didn't the universe get that? I don't want to remember!
I created a world back at my place. Everything from the past was neatly hidden in a box written don't touch. I seriously wanted to forget, but all that my brain was doing was throwing me with memories I didn't want anymore. Convoluted ones which took years to correct. The mocking, the beating, the pushing, the pulling. It was all a scene that played over and over right in my brain. It made me feel embarrassed, ashamed. All I wanted to do was evaporate into thin air until I was no longer visible. All I wanted was to shrink into salt so I could dissolve.

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