The past reignites

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Kelvin Belinsky

That same night

I woke up to a pitch-black nightmare, opening my eyes gradually as my body screamed out fire. My ears were suffering from the atrocity, my body was screaming out in agony, and I reckoned a few loads of tools would drop to the ground if I shook my head.
A ray of light suddenly swayed over the edges, illuminating the place I'd been sleeping in. A bloody damn car instead of a coffin; or even better, a strip club.

Even in the darkness, the thick black cloud that gathered in the sky was quite visible; a streak of it was pointedly coming from a car clad in red flames just a few meters away.
When Jake noticed where my attention had gone, he turned to me.
"That damn BMW that fucked up our Urus."
His voice was deep and murderous. The tips of his ears had become red. His nose was dancing stiffly too, as if it was trying so hard to get air so the wind could cool down whatever that was burning inside of him. A rigid, dreary sigh got out of his mouth before he started the engine.
"Okay, let's go. We've got a lot on our plates."

The second he drove into an isolated dwelling with a creepy house in the middle, my hands quaked.
"I don't wanna do this again." I said, but both of them ignored me.

The property was a copy of my nightmare. The mist covered the naked, the owl guarded, the bleating and the barking was nearby. Even the car felt as though it was floating towards the house, but this time though, a few lights were on and the house had life.. unlike that dead corpse of a house I saw in the hideous nightmare.

When the car stopped in front of the few steps which led to the door, Jake took out a pistol and loaded it.
"Here." He said, motioning the gun to me.
"It's your mess, clean it up." He said, and I knew he was right. The letter we found on the day our bags of cocaine got stolen was completely directed to me. Whatever mess we were in was because of me, and apparently, I had something the fucking Savin Mafia was looking for.

I got out of the car, approaching the door of the house as I heard cartoon-music. Instead of doing the whole job with a gun—not knowing what was behind the door—I decided to knock. I waited for about a century before I dropped my eyes down onto my watch. 20:41. I knocked again, and the door swiftly came open. I was looking around wondering what the hell opened the door when I heard a soft, tiny voice from below.

"Can I help you?"

My eyes went down, and a little boy around six years old looked up to me.
Was this what I'd been sent for?
Was this Alexandra Belinsky's 'package'?
I looked around again. Maybe Belinsky made a mistake with the address, but when my gaze dropped down to witness the strong grey eyes that ran in the Belinsky family, I realised I'd knocked on the right door.

"Zechariah Morgan, how many times do I have to tell you to stop opening the door when I'm not around?! Do you want to die or something?!" A woman shouted from a distance.

After a moment, without glancing up at me, the same woman reached down for her son, and shooed him away with haste. Finally, she looked up, and her hazel eyes widened. Her lips slightly parted, and it took me a second to realise what her reaction was for.

This was Ruth fucking Morgan.

The flush of her face was only spreading wider when her glass dropped and shuttered to the ground.

"Sunflower." I said, reckoning I sounded like a piece of moron.

Her face was transforming into a deadly, dark cloud when I realised how messed up I must've looked. My shirt was dirty, my lip was busted, my nose had been bleeding, the side of my head was trickling with blood. It had been a long day, and it seemed as though it was still unfolding into endlessness. At that moment, I was living on an unflattering situation that was about to blow up into something I dreaded.

"What do you want?" She asked, and for some reasons, my gaze dropped down to my hands before looking straight into her eyes again. The hazel, angelic nature of them was narrowing my face down before stopping somewhere around a tattoo on my cheekbone.  Something about the softness of them felt Elysian.
No matter how many years had gone, magically, she looked more attractive, more glowy. The curves of her body were careful slopes that got my brain feeling dizzy, and the gentleness of her figure, of her being, had remained a fact that was still going to make me feel shit I didn't want to.

I was thinking about leaving when Belinsky's voice showered in my head like an annoying alarm.

"Kelvin Belinsky, what do you want?" I heard her ask again.
I reached for the pistol that sat silently on my waistband before taking a step closer to her and bringing it down to her waist so her kids wouldn't see.

"Now you're going to listen to me very carefully, Sunflower. Get the kids silently, tell them we're going someplace dope, and get in the fucking car. Heed my words, do not even think about doing something folly. It's only gonna get you killed in front of your kids, so don't make this intricate."
I felt her body going rigid before she turned and walked towards her kids.

When Austin arrived with his car, Jake and Mastermind got out to join him and threw the keys at my catch. It must've caused my feet to move out the doorframe because just then, Ruth yanked the door shut, and it landed right in my fucking face by the time I'd turned back. Before she could lock, I pushed the door open, and it sent her flying to the ground before she rolled all the way until her back banged against a cupboard nearby. My eyes scanned the place, realising that she'd hidden her kids somewhere.

"Belinsky, what do want?" I heard her ask again.

I reached for the gun and pointed it at her.

"Do what I tell you to fucking do." I ordered.

"Kelvin, go shit on yourself!"

"That's not how it works, Sunflower." I said, stepping closer to her.
"Go get the kids, put them in the car. Don't make my job harder, just do what I say."

"No!!" She snapped.

I moved towards the hall, hoping that's where the bedrooms were.

"Kelvin Belinsky, leave my kids out of this."

"Then do your fucking job, and go fetch them." I didn't like how rough my voice had gone, and I certainly abhorred how it made her wince.
"Ruth!!" I shouted, and her hands trembled, her feet hesitating.
"Unless you and the kids are not the package I've been sent to export out of the country with me, I advise you to get the kids before someone dies." I threatened, letting out a bullet that made her jump in terror.

I admired her refusal. I admired how she'd rather die.

"If you touch my kids, I'll murder you." I smirked at the sudden defensive tone.

I shot at the lock on one of the bedroom doors, and the kids let out a bunch of useless cries.
Ruth picked up an axe.
"Dare me," she asked, holding it bravely in one hand "dare me, and I'll murder you. One more step."
The seriousness in her tone brought shivers around my body.

I heard a few more bodies enter through the front door when her eyes suddenly widened again.
Jake, Mastermind, Travis, and Austin were behind us.

Ruth lifted up the axe and everything went slo-mo. I ducked to the side, and I watched as the axe scratched Jake's forearm and then dug itself into the wall. 

"Are you crazy?!" Mastermind shouted.

"Morgan, go get the kids." I told her again.
"Get the fucking kids, Sunflower!" I said, shooting a tone of times toward the bedroom doors before hearing a her kids scream in terror again.

"It wasn't supposed to be like this."
Her voice was a hitch, but I could tell it was meant to be louder than what it was. After a few moments, her little body ran towards the hallway and opened up a door I luckily never shot at.

By the time we all exited, Jake and Travis got in Austin's Mustang while Ruth, her kids, and Mastermind got in my Urus. With Ruth and her kids in the backseat, I glanced at Mastermind before starting the engine. I didn't wait for his words, but I knew we were thinking the same thing.

Hell was about to break loose.


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