The views of INSANITY

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Ruth Morgan

Waking up in Samoa

I blinked open my eyes despite the aggressive sunlight that poured over the room through a window. I wasn't home, I was simply in a cottage and nothing about it seemed familiar. Pictures of what happened earlier on rushed into my face like a punch.


I looked around. No sign of my kids.


Holding both my hands on my head, I quickly walked my groggy legs to the doorknob. By the time I realised that I was locked in, my heart started issuing warning letters for an eruption. The alerting siren rang loudly in my ears while red patches stuck to the sides of my eyes.
I certainly wasn't going to let my High School bullies kill my children. They killed parts of me, but they weren't getting more, not with my kids.

I hit my body against the door, urging, willing for it to open. After trying for many millenniums, I stood an inch away and started praying. Afterwards, I may have pulled up my book of spells, but they didn't work, so I moved on to the sorceries and curses. After failing so drastically, I stepped a distance away from the door, ran, and jumped with my full weight on it.

"Come on, open up!" I cried. I needed to see my kids, and I needed to know if they were okay.
"Oh please, Lord have mercy."

I stepped back again and did the same thing, but it still never worked. After hearing voices from the other side of the door, I started yelling and screaming.


"Candy, please open up this door. I need to get out."

"Kelvin is going to get pissed." I heard Jasmine say. The sound of a key clinked shortly afterwards.
"Candy, Kelvin warned you about this."

"Candy! Please. At least tell me where my kids are, please." I begged.

"They're okay." She responded, but I didn't trust her. I needed to see if they were okay. I needed to make sure of it. Proof.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Mastermind's deep voice strode through the door shortly after hearing a car stop nearby.
"Candy, didn't I tell you to stay the fuck away? Kelvin's going to kill you one day, and I won't be there to witness it, neither help you out. You keep pushing his psychopathic buttons, and he will explode."

I heard a few footsteps, and then a grumble. "Candy, get the fuck away from the door." Austin said before muttering a whole dictionary book of cursing words.

I let the tears wander down my cheeks while I sank to the ground. I knew she wouldn't do it. My kids were out there with the hugest murderer I'd ever met, and there was no telling if they were still breathing.
If my kids were really dead, I'd know what's next. I'd kill myself. I'd do it just to make sure they were okay in the other side. I'd do what it takes. I'd fly to wherever, and next time when we met again, I'd cage them into my hands and make sure they were warm and safe. They wouldn't have to go through what I did. The mocking, the beating, the abuse, and being raped.

After a moment, I heard the laughter of angels followed by a gentle sound of crashing water. It was so familiar, but I couldn't quite grasp it.

Where the fuck was I?

I rose from the floor as quickly as I could master, heading for the bathroom as my curiosity grew. A window settled in the middle of the shower and the toilet, a few inches below the ceiling. I closed the toilet, placed one foot on the lid and lifted my body. Trying my best to get a view without falling, I peered through the window and saw my kids. They were playing at the ocean, sick guffaws placed on their angelic faces. They were okay. They were happy. The extra loads on my shoulders finally dissipated, but then they quickly reappeared when I realised that they were laughing with Kelvin Belinsky. My worst enemy.
I didn't like what I was seeing. Despite the fact that I was thankful to God that my kids were alive and more than okay, they weren't supposed to be laughing with a damn murderer, the devil himself. A freaking psychopath.
I watched as Kelvin Belinsky splashed them with the water. My kids giggled with surprise, splashing the water back at him while he childishly ran. After that, they were running after each other like an actual family, like a fucking parade that murdered the witnesses. My eyes were involuntarily going soft at the sight of them. I was doing all I could to remain grim and angry, but nothing beat the feeling I got whenever I saw those smiles on my traitorous kid's faces. When they were done, they sat on the sand as the waves crashed onto their feet, Kelvin in the middle of them. He gently held their shoulders and pulled them into him. The huddle was warm, friendly, cozy, and it was getting into my head. It was dragging my brain out of my head and banging it against the wall. I didn't want to see what I was seeing. The sight of them together was pure brutality, but my heart was slowly softening and it was freaking me out.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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