Chapter 16; It's not just you

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Derik got out of the shower, he opened a text from Alyssa,

"Me and my friends are done, are you going to pick us up?" It said.

"Yeah, I will be there soon." Derik texted. He got dressed as he looked in the mirror and noticed a long cut on his right arm. He had no idea how he got it, so he decided to wrap a crepe bandage on it.

"I don't remember getting a cut like this before, it looks new too. Adam wouldn't be able to break in, steal my dogs and cut me all at the same time. Did a criminal break in?" Derik thought. Derik went to get his jacket but as soon as he opened his closet he pulled away rapidly. His sword left a large burned mark on the edge of the closet. The guard on the side of the sword started burning things, it was odd because it was always on fire and wouldn't burn anything. Now it has started to burn things and was dangerous to put somewhere. Derik grabbed the sword and it started flaming with fire. A few seconds later it burned his bandage off and caused his cut to get worse. Derik dropped his sword and his arm froze. He felt pain rush through his heart, his heart started pounding faster and Derik started hyperventilating. A whisper came from behind him,

"Find him, before it's too late." The voice said. Derik fell and looked behind him. The sword became too dangerous even for Derik, however Derik didn't stop there, he put on his jacket and grabbed the sword, he ignored the pain. He ran outside and threw his sword in his trunk, the sword flashed with flames then stopped, the side of the guard kept flaming but stopped burning other items. He closed the trunk then he went back inside. Derik's cut got even worse, he put on another bandage but this time with another layer. He calmed down,

"What was that?" Derik thought as he glared at the sword. Alyssa texted Derik again,

"Hey are you coming or not?" It said. Derik sighed went to grab his wallet, he noticed half of his money was missing,

"Stupid criminals, I will find whoever did this." Derik laughed nervously. He went in his closet and grabbed a few hundred and put it in his wallet. Then he went back to his car and drove to Alyssa's house. Alyssa waited for Derik to walk out and open the door for her, "What are you waiting for just get inside." He said. Alyssa slightly tilted her head,

"Excuse me?" Alyssa said. Chloe sighed and before she opened the door Andrew opened the door for them.

"Thank you." Chloe said as she got inside. Derik rolled his eyes. Alyssa and Andrew got inside his car and the silence went on for a while.

"So, where are we going?" Alyssa asked.

"Well I know this great place, it's really quiet and doesn't have those annoying waitresses." Derik said, Chloe laughed,

"The library?" She teased. Andrew snickered,

"Wow, let me guess you are also into manga?" He teased. Derik reached the restaurant, it was fine dining and had 3 floors. He gave his keys to one of the valets. Andrew got jealous as soon as he walked out, Chloe and Alyssa were both in shock,

"What were you saying about it being a library?" Derik said. All four of then walked in and were led to their table,

"D-Derik, you can afford this place, right?" Alyssa said. Derik laughed,

"Of course I can, I am a CEO, remember?" He said. However Derik didn't get the money from his job, whoever he killed, he took their money. He got all his other money from his old boss at the tech company, he would do every single task he got and would even do others as well. He was a people pleaser at that company and everyone fell for it. Alyssa sat next to Derik, she felt excitement every time they hung out. In the meantime, Adam was thinking of what to do with the sword, he had multiple ideas,

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