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She woke up to her phone ringing even if she proudly ignored the last 3 calls this person just wouldn't give up and she knew exactly who it was.

,,WHAT JJ? What is so important?"she spat into the speaker a groan of tiredness following.,,Wow calm down princess,just asking if you're coming by" he chuckled at the other end of the line to what she joined,Cassey could never pretend to be mad at him especially not after hearing his voice,,later alright I-uhm still got stuff to do"she mumbled still tired while trying to roll out of the white sheets,she heard him kissing his teeth in response

,,With that psycho cousin huh?" She immediately noticed the change in his voice,something she regretted sometimes was that she told the boy nearly everything that happened in her life and due to that he always knew what everything was about but so did she about his.

,,Omg JJ you're so dramatic"she whined,pressing her back into the mattress as she waited for him to react ,,Just don't kill yourself"she nodded to herself,,Not planning on it"the silence was loud on the other end as her best friend tried to find the right words ,,Okay see you later,watch out"she pressed her lips into a thin line,knowing that the blonde wasn't a fan of the boy,who lived only a couple streets away,but he wasn't the one to control what she did and he knew it.

,,Bye see you later J"she hung up after that and decided that she was okay with how JJ was in about her intimate life because after all him and Kiara were the closest to her and both knew some things the other didn't.


She had actually planned on taking the bike but realised shortly after why she couldn't,which made her hate Rafe even more,but there was no chance that she'd let him ruin her day when it just started so she just walked to her destination,it wouldn't kill her even if It was a hot summer day in the obx.

She wore blue hot pants and a nice orange tank top,her hair fell down her shoulders in light waves and after all it was a pretty good day and it better stayed this way.

The girl got closer to the bungalow-like building that her older cousin called his home.She made her way up the messy porch waving at the dark haired man ,who sat on his terrace with two other intimidating guys but she wasn't gonna hold back and kept up with her confidant posture.

She was probably the only one in the family to accept him,after he got into too much shit everyone just took off without him,but she always sided with her cousin and gladly her parents didn't know about the deep friendship between the two,otherwise they would probably have her grounded for a whole summer in case they gave a fuck.

But maybe this was why her and the brown haired shared such a good bond because for him she was the only family he really had and for her he was one of the only ones even paying attention to what happened in her life.

,,Oh Cass,long time no see"he chuckled as he got up, embracing her in a hug ,,Barry"he took her arm guiding the girl to a seat across one of the guys.

She noticed by his clothing that he was from figure eight,mostly the real trouble was caused by the rich and only they could afford the real shit these people weren't there for weed,no.

Cocaine was Barry's business and many other things but mostly coccaine for the kooks so she guessed they all had some kind of profit from the rich.

,,Let me introduce my favorite cousin,or you know what no,man she's more like a little sister really"he chuckled as the guy opposite her held out his hand,he was a bit older than Cassey,had dark brown eyes and hair.She took the hand unsure but gave it a hard grip to stand her ground ,,Jamie" he introduced himself shooting her a bright smile,something was off about this guy,like they were at a drug dealer but there was another thing that just seemed weird.

Till we all fall apart / Rafe Cameron Where stories live. Discover now