• Part Four •

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Yoongi was so anxious it was starting to make his stomach feel like it was doing flips. He could feel himself sweating and he had to wipe his hands. Yoongi had the urge to interrupt but he held back. Yoongi wanted to know what Jimin was whispering but he didn't want to make Jimin look bad in front of Hoseok. he wanted to hear what Jimin was saying but he didn't wanna seem stalkerish. Yoongi was dying on the inside with all the different emotions he was feeling.

Hoseok nodded and Jimin did a gesture that look like 'wait one minute.' Jimin then turned and returned to his boyfriend and Tae. Tae looked like he was about to pop, he looked nervous. Jimin chuckled when he saw how messed up Tae looked. "You should see your face.."  Jimin said as he crossed his arms. Tae scoff and waved his hands at Jimin quickly in tiny motion.
"Jimin please! I'm dying what did he say?!" Tae said looking between Jimin and Hoseok who was standing in the background, looking over at them.

Yoongi watched as Tae begged Jimin to tell him what they were both saying. Yoongi wanted to say something too but he didn't want it to feel like he was interrupting their conversation. Yoongi couldn't take the curiosity though. Yoongi stood beside Jimin. "Tell him."
Yoongi said with a smirk. He was enjoying Jimin playing wing man but he couldn't take it, he had to know.

Jimin looked over at Yoongi chuckling. "Ok ok. He apparently knew who I was, he seen me on campus before. He said he saw me dance at the show case last mouth. Anyway, I told him I had a friend who can't dance. And im too busy to teach him..so I asked Hoseok if he could do it. So he's going to be teaching you Tae. Dance practice Monday through Friday after school." Jimin looked proud of himself and Tae looked shocked. He was blushing. "So you embarrassed me..so I can have time with him Monday - Friday...." Tae asked looking horrified. Jimin thought about it..and nodded a yes. Tae paused and smiled before screaming in his hand. "Omg! Your fucking smart asshole! Omg I get to see him almost everyday. Pinch me in dreaming." Tae said as he hugged himself.

Yoongi laughed at Tae's shocked expression. Yoongi was trying to contain a smirk. Yoongi couldn't believe that they had come up with such a good plan. Yoongi couldn't wait to see how Hoseok would teach Tae. Yoongi also had a plan to make sure Hoseok would be focused only on Tae and not Jimin. He had too much in common with Jimin for Yoongi's liking.

"Make sure you can't dance." Jimin said with a laugh. "Oh and he's waiting for you now..I told him you wanted to say hey." Jimin said as he nodded his head in Hoseok's direction. Tae gasped. "What now? Omg..uh now? Do I look ok? Is my hair ok?..I think I'm going to pass out.." Tae said as he started to hyperventilate. Jimin grabbed and shook Tae. "Stop you look good, now go before I make scene." Tae nodded his head. He knew Jimin would definitely make a scene. "Ok ok I'll go I'll go." Tae said as he was fixing his clothes he was blushing so brightly.

Yoongi watched in slight concern. Jimin was being a great wingman right now. Yoongi wasn't sure if Hoseok was actually interested in Tae or he was just being used as an excuse to be close to Jimin. Yoongi looked over at Hoseok hoping he only will have eyes only for Tae.

Jimin saw Tae wasn't moving yet and he grabbed Tae's arm and took him over to Hoseok himself. Jimin gestures for Yoongi to follow him. Once they all were in front of Hoseok. Jimin smiled and Hoseok looked at all three of them and then Jimin. "So three beautiful males just walked up to me...I guess I need to buy this body spray again." Hoseok said while smelling his shirt briefly. He chuckled making Jimin also laugh. "Hoseok~ this is Tae my friend I spoke about." Jimin let Tae arm go and stood closer to Yoongi. Jimin crossed his arms. Tae blushed and Hoseok smiled making Tae blush more. "Oh! Your Tae well nice to meet you." Jimin looked at Tae melting slightly. Tae chucked and fixed his hair some. "Uh yea no, thank you for agreeing to help..me."

Yoongi watched as Hoseok called all of them beautiful. Yoongi was a little bit annoyed that Hoseok was calling Jimin beautiful. "Oh you will teach him very well. I have no doubt," Yoongi says this sarcastically to hoseok. Yoongi was waiting to see if Hoseok will say something that will piss him off. He couldn't shake his jealous.

Jimin grabbed Yoongi's hand. He was ready to ditch Tae and Hoseok at least for now. He had faith in his bestie. "Me and Yoongi will be right back, we see one of Yoongi's friends over there." Jimin said as he was pulling Yoongi away with him. Yoongi was looking around he didn't have friends for real so this was a lie but he let his boyfriend pull in towards the kitchen. Tae looked nervous seeing Jimin leave but Hoseok was still smiling and talking to Tae. Jimin and Yoongi were now in Tae's kitchen with other random party people playing table games and a couple making out against the fridge. Jimin walked to the counter and grabbed a mixed drink.

Yoongi looked at the making out couple and frowned. He didn't mind making out but he wasn't down with that being done out in the open and in front of everybody. Also the people playing games wasn't his type of atmosphere. Yoongi grabbed a cup with Jimin. he was happy to have some of Jimin's attention now.

Jimin kissed Yoongi's lips once and moved some of his hair out his face. Jimin smirked at Yoongi and took a big sip of his mix drink. "You look too good tonight.." Jimin said as a teasing flirt. He was enjoying himself. He was happy for his friend and just happy Yoongi was with him.

Yoongi was enjoying himself as well. Jimin's sweet comments made him feel warm inside and his kisses gave him little sparks. Yoongi was so cute to him. Yoongi drank from his drink and smirked at Jimin. "Someone wants to get some action after this I see..." Yoongi said referring to Jimin's flirtatious nature right now.

Jimin looked around and pulled Yoongi close to him. "Hey my pants are too tight for you to be talking like that." Jimin said in a low slightly aggressive tone as he gave Yoongi one more kiss on the lips. He grinned. "You going to dance with me..?" Jimin ask with Yoongi pressed against him. His arm around Yoongi's waist.

Yoongi couldn't help but smirk. Jimin's slightly aggressive nature right now was starting to get Yoongi feeling very hot. Yoongi lowered his eyes as he kissed Jimin back. Yoongi placed his cup down and placed his hand on the back of Jimin's neck pulling his body against him. Yoongi was feeling his boyfriend up. He liked being so close to Jimin like this and wanted to stay like this. Yoongi wasn't against seeing Jimin dance but he was hesitant for him to get on a dance floor. "..Maybe.."



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