• Part Seven •

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Yoongi saw Jungkook before Jimin did. Jungkook didn't care that Jimin and him were dating. Yoongi couldn't contain it as he felt his anger boiling up again. He gripped Jimin's hand as he felt the anger take over him. Yoongi glared at Jungkook who just stood there with a smirk on his face. Yoongi wanted to punch that smirk off smug his face. Yoongi looked over to Jimin waiting on his reaction to this little run in with his ex. Yoongi wanted to see if Jimin was going to handle it before he did.

Jimin was glaring at Jungkook. Jimin walked Yoongi to his side of the car. Jimin opened the car door for Yoongi to get in. Jimin stayed standing by Yoongi's door as Jungkook started to walk around the back of the Audi to where Jimin stood. Jimin put his hand up stoping Jungkook from getting any closer. His ex was close enough to reach out and touch Jimin's arm. His ex only chuckled. But he stopped. "Just speak your mind so I can take my boyfriend home.." Jimin sounded like he was tired. He was actually just stressed out. He didn't like having his ex and current boyfriend together.

Yoongi got in the car and closed the door behind him. He was ready to get this over with and have this run in with Jimin's ex to be over with. Yoongi watched as Jimin and his ex engaged in conversation. Yoongi just shook his head that Jimin's ex had the audacity to talk him like that. He didn't like the sound of how his ex talked to his boyfriend. Yoongi was feeling the anger getting worst but he was still trying to keep it contained and not let it leak out.

Jungkook glanced at Yoongi before he looked back at Jimin. "So what Jimin..you moved on before..do you really think..this time is different?" Jungkook said as he was looking Jimin up and down. Jungkook missed Jimin and he didn't care about Jimin telling him it was over. They been doing this since high school. "Oh my God stop. Ok?! That's what you wanted to say? You're wasting my time." Jimin said it while he rolled his eyes.

"Does he know I'm your first?" Jungkook asked and Jimin blushed he looked uncomfortable. Jimin turned away quickly waving Jungkook off as he shook his head. and started to walk to the drivers seat he opened his car door. And Jungkook was walking around to Jimin. He grabbed Jimin's hand and Jimin looked at him and snatched his hand away. "Well what I wanted to say is I'm in town for a little while..you got time to think about it." Jungkook said as Jimin pushed Jungkook's shoulder. And got in the car and slammed the door. He pulled off quickly but safely. Leaving his ex in the rearview.

Yoongi let out a small sigh of relief once Jimin slammed the door. He knew this thing with Jimin and his ex was far from over. Yoongi looked at Jungkook in the sideview mirror. "You should probably not talk to him again." Yoongi said he hated seeing Jimin's ex talking to Jimin like that. He
hated seeing him getting to close to him. Yoongi hated this situation in general and it really bothered him.

Jimin chewed his lip slightly he did it when he was upset. He was looking at the road. His mind was everywhere. "..I don't want to talk to him again.." Jimin thought it was weird that his ex was even at that party..did he stalk Tae to try to see him. Jimin would figure that out later but for now he wanted to just safely get home. Jimin was driving with one hand while he chewed on his thumb nail.

Yoongi frowned as he watched Jimin chew his thumb. Yoongi also was still slightly annoyed by the way Jimin allowed his ex to talk to him. Yoongi wanted to hug him but he was driving. Yoongi looked down and he began to look all around the road carefully. Yoongi would say something that would distract Jimin from his thoughts and maybe the nail biting as well but instead his actual feelings came out.. "I'm still mad at how your ex spoke to you."

"He's rude like that..he just does what he wants." Jimin was half way home. He was only looking at the road. Jimin liked bad boys..he liked guys who did what they want. He loved it..until it got toxic. Jimin didn't like thinking about his ex. They were together for a long time. Jimin and Yoongi only been together for a little over a year now. "I'm sorry..you had to see that. Or hear any of that.." Jimin's tone softly slightly.

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