• Part Five •

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Jimin was leaning on the counter and Yoongi closed any space between them. Jimin could tell Yoongi was loosened up from the alcohol they were drinking. Jimin hummed feeling Yoongi's hand run down his torso. He was glancing out the kitchen seeing Tae was laughing now with Hoseok. That was good, maybe Tae could win a date out of all this. Jimin looked back at Yoongi when he said "maybe".

Jimin finished his mixed drink quickly and sat his cup on the counter. He ran both his hands down Yoongi's body. "Yea..come dance with me.." Jimin said close to Yoongi's ear. The music in the party was good and Jimin was feeling the alcohol, he was ready to really party now.

Yoongi was more than ready to dance with Jimin. The alcohol hit him just enough to where he was loose and a little buzzed. Yoongi grabbed Jimin's hand and walked him towards the dance floor. Yoongi's eyes were glancing at the other people around them were dancing as he let Jimin lead them to the middle of the floor and he grabbed both Yoongi's hands and was now leading him.

Jimin had a soft grin on his face. he was in his element. The song was fast but turned slower once Jimin turned to dance with Yoongi, Jimin smirked. It didn't matter the song Jimin was just ready to dance. Jimin leaned into Yoongi's face and kisses his lips twice before he took Yoongi's hand and ran it down his own body slowly, Jimin rolled his body slowly as his own hand slide down his clothes. Jimin turned around and rolled his hips against Yoongi. Jimin ran his own hand down his body one more with both hands this time and leaned his head back on Yoongi's shoulder, he was dancing but it seem he was more so dancing for his boyfriend. Jimin looked like he was a paid dancer. He was hypnotizing. Jimin eyes were low and his face was slightly pink from drinking.

Yoongi was watching Jimin and he was fascinated by the way he was dancing. There was no words to describe it except perfect. Jimin did it so well that he looked so professional. Yoongi felt his body become hot with how Jimin was dancing so provocatively and he knew he looked hot too because he felt the stares of other people looking at him. His eyes were fixed on Jimin's and he felt slightly light headed and drunk. The music was loud and made everything feel like a movie. Yoongi automatically placed his hands on Jimin's waist and leaned into his boyfriend's body. he felt on Jimin as Jimin moved against him.

Jimin was slightly turning Yoongi on, he was making him forget how public this was. Until a hand tapped Yoongi on the shoulder. The act made Yoongi turn and look. Jimin was still dancing until he felt Yoongi's grip on him start to drop. Jimin looked and his heart dropped. Jimin turned to face the person who was next to Yoongi and he rolled his eyes and frowned. Why now? Jimin thought he was just staring to really enjoy himself. He was buzzed and the alcohol had him feeling really good. "Can I cut in?" The male said as he was smiling he was looking between Yoongi and Jimin. He wanted to dance with Jimin. Which made Yoongi and Jimin frown immediately.  Though Yoongi's was more a glare. The male was Jungkook..Jimin's ex boyfriend.

Yoongi was extremely annoyed and upset that they were cut in on like this. Jimin's Ex was here right now, in front of them taking away his attention from him. Yoongi didn't even want to look at Jungkook so he kept his eyes away form Jimin's ex. Yoongi was slightly jealous and it was going get only worse as the night progressed. That man should not be here and around Jimin, especially while everyone was drinking. Yoongi was getting irritated now.

"No you may not Jungkook, who invited you?." Jimin said with attitude. Jimin and his ex relationship was very sexual and fun but also very toxic. Jimin's been with Yoongi for a year now and he was happy. Jungkook looked between them again and back at Jimin. He looked at Tae who was basically melting because Hoseok was trying to dance with him. It was cute. "Well your guard dog is busy it's easy to just walk on in. I'm sure he meant to invite me." Jimins ex said with a smirk. "But come on Jimin for old time sake, I haven't seen you in mouths.." Jungkook said not worried who the other male is.

Yoongi was getting jealous now. He didn't want Jimin dancing with anyone, specially not his Ex. All these feelings of anger kept growing and growing. Yoongi didn't speak a word to his boyfriend he wanted to be the only one who got him. He wanted his boyfriend all to himself. A small part of him hated the fact that he was feeling this way but he couldn't control what he felt and felt like he was about to explode. Yoongi took deep breaths to calm down.

Jimin shook his head no and pulled Yoongi closer to him. "I only dance with my boyfriend. Watching me will be the only thing you can enjoy. Because I don't want to dance with you. I told you we shouldn't see each other anymore and I meant that. So go party somewhere else, yea?"  Jimin wasn't going to give Jungkook any attention he was a straight toxic bad boy. Jimin love bad boys but they always hurt him. Jimin found a different type of bad boy in Yoongi and he liked it. Jungkook was still very attractive no questions but Jimin was in love now...and safer with Yoongi. Yoongi looked at Jungkook up and down his glare was dark.

Yoongi glares at Jungkook. He was still upset that the jerk was even speaking to Jimin right now. He didn't have any rights to talk to Jimin right now or ever. Yoongi felt his blood boiling. His jealousy was so strong it made him shake at this moment. He felt like he was about to explode and his anger was going turn into something else. He was so glad that Jimin was shutting his Ex down in a way and was trying to protect himself but Youngi was about to do the same thing.

Jungkook laughed and looked around briefly. "Jimin we break up and get back together all the time, this is no different." Jungkook looked at Yoongi.
"A pretty boy with a dark aura. That's your type now? Last time you tried a nerd. I guess this is an upgrade for you. I mean your boyfriend you said? Is very pretty. He can have fun with us too.." Jimin felt offended Jungkook never took him seriously. Jimin turned and kissed Yoongi on the lips possessively and moaned into the kiss. He broke it and looked back at Jungkook seeing Jungkook tried to play cool but he was slightly jealous as well. Jimin smirked at this. "Now you get to watch us leave together."

Jimin grabbed Yoongi's hand and walked off deeper into the crowd he was pissed. His ex embarrassed Jimin slightly. He didn't talk about his past with his ex with Yoongi. Jimin wanted to keep it that way. Jimin didn't stop walking until they were in a corner of the room and Jimin leaned on the wall. He pushed all his hair back hand sighed deeply as his perfect hair fell back in place.

Yoongi was upset that his ex was making these comments and making a scene right now. Yoongi didn't really talk about his Ex with Jimin either so he was completely shocked that there was even so much drama. Yoongi followed Jimin and when they were more off to themselves in the room full of people Yoongi went against the wall and got as close to his boyfriend as possible. Yoongi placed a kiss on Jimin's neck. Yoongi also placed his hand on Jimin's chest and squeezed it gently. He wanted the attention on him and only him. both of them were still feeling the heat of the alcohol. Yoongi wanted to take Jimin's mind of the drama.



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