Chapter 3 - The Text and the Call

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a/n: thank you all for the amazing amount of support youve given me on this series! i think i might make it it's own seperate story if i manage to get a part 4 out if this gets good demand, so if it does then expect this to become a full series(spoiler, it did)!

Seeing Ghost slowly hoist himself off of the floor, you put the paper swiftly back into your pocket smiling at him. He nods and smiles softly back through the balaclava, yet your heart began to pound.

The descent towards the base seemed to pass rather quickly, your mind being full of the thought of the phone number. Did Konig place it in there? Was it intentional? Who did it belong to? Your mind raced at the thought of even calling or messaging the number.

Slipping into your room after thanking Ghost a million times felt like laying on a cloud. The warmth of the environment differed from the broken cabin so much that you almost instantly got yourself into comfier clothes - a sleeveless shirt and tracksuit bottoms.

The await of the disappointment from the incomplete mission didn't cross your mind, however, because you reached for your phone and dug the slip of paper from your pocket.

Heartbeats pound inside of your head as you begin to type the number into a new message and see that it is a valid number. You type out "hello?" and close your eyes tightly as you send it, throwing your phone off of your bed letting it bang against the floor.

What felt like hours passed by in seconds. The buzz of your phone vibrated against the wood and it made you jump. You feared for the outcome - did you randomly message a number who you didn't know?

You shot up off of your bed and ended up plummeting to the floor, causing a hard bang. You grab your phone ignoring the now incredibly painful sting in your shoulder and check the message.

See you got the paper slip.

You read it over and over, feeling a strong wave on confusion drown you as you read it. They knew who you were, but you didn't know who they were. Your eyes widen with realisation as your thumbs tap away.


A message back - almost instantly afterwards.

Hello Schatz.

Your heartbeat raced, pumping every emotion through your veins. Your lips slowly curved into a smile, reading over his reply to your message. A knock boomed through your door.

"Y/N. You okay in there? I heard a bang, can I come in?" a gruff voice spoke, muffled by the door. "If you don't answer I'm coming in."

"Oh - Ghost! Yeah I'm fine, dropped my phone!" you reply.

"What was that heavy bang then?"

"Nothing, I promise."

You heard an audible sigh. "I'm checking on you in half an hour. See you then."

You heard footsteps walking away from your door down the hall and you sighed with relief. Another message flashed across your screen.

Hello? Where did you go?

You gulped. It felt like a crime to even have the enemy's contacts. You shouldn't reply - you can't. You'd be letting down the whole of the task force if you replied. Yet...your thumbs tap away.

Hi sorry. I had to do something quick.

No worries. An immediate response from him.
How is your wound Liebe?

You look down at your cloth, which by now really needed replacing, so you put your phone in your pocket and stood up, making your way down to the medical centre to get patched up again. Luckily for you, it was not too far down the hall for you, so you got there almost a minute after realisation.

After you were let in, you were told to sit down and wait a couple minutes for the nurses to get supplies. You felt the vibration of your phone in your pocket once more - another message from Konig.

Are you okay?

Yes, just getting it repatched now. I'm alright. you reply swiftly.


No other messages were sent after that, so you tuck your phone in your pocket and, just on time, the nurses came over with the medical equipment and began to repatch you up. The whole process took a while, with them cleaning the wound and extracting the bullet - which you weren't sure why it was not done a lot earlier, you guess you never realised - and stitching it up, rewrapping it in a white, soft bandage.

After she had finished, you thank her and leave. However, you suddenly get a call. You get your phone from the depth of your pocket and see that it's none other than Ghost calling you. You answer it.

Before you could get a single word in, he speaks - rather shouts more than speaks.

"Where are you?! I can't find you in your room - did you go out somewhere? Y/N-"

"Calm down. I just got patched up for my shoulder. I'm heading back to my room now." you explain slowly, which you can hear his breathing ease and a long sigh of relief come from the other end of the phone, making you chuckle. He's so concerned for you - you find it quite a luxury, especially from the Lieutenant.

Walking up to your room, you could already see Ghost leant against the outside wall looking down the other end of the hall for you, only when his head turned did he stand properly and walk over to you.

"You're testing my limits, y'know?" he mumbles before looking down at the bandage wrapped around your shoulder. "Is it alright?"

"The bullet didn't infect it somehow - stroke of luck I guess." you chuckle, bringing the corners of his eyes to squint, easily showing an amused and joyful smile.

"As long as you're okay."

You smile and walk towards your room, with Ghost following you in afterward and shutting the door. You take a seat on your desk and look at him. He walks over and gestures to your shoulder to have a look, which you nod to.

His once before rough hands gently make contact with your skin and unravels the bandage which had already had some shades of crimson on the inner layers. He grimaced at the hole and you chuckled.

"Can you still use the arm fine or..." he asks subtly, turning his eyes to you.

"Yeah, it's alright to use. Just hurts a bit."

He hums and runs his thumb across your shoulder, trying to avoid your wound. His thumb felt coarse compared to your smooth skin and that sent an electric pulse through your body. He wrapped the bandage around it once more shortly after and stood up once more.

"I'll take you off training for a few days. I'll also check up on you, is that good?" he concludes, putting his hands in his pockets. You nod and he nods back, beginning to walk out of the door. However he freezes at the noise coming from you - the vibration of your phone.

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