Chapter 4 - The Timer

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Ghost turned his body round slowly, looking towards you with a fierce gaze in his eyes.

"Texts as I'm about to leave?" he states, confused tones hitting your ears making you shrug.

"I'm not sure. It might just be an app I subscribed to or something." you reply - your heart pumps blood with pace as you try not to panic, hoping it is not who you think it is. "It's alright."

Ghost squints his eyes with suspicion but nods, turning your door handle and looking back at you, waving goodbye with a smile, one last time before shutting the door behind him.

Your body stood still as a statue, waiting for his footsteps to fade off down the corridor. The adrenaline going through your body was something you've never felt before. You finally heard his footsteps walk away after what seemed like forever and you grab your phone and look at the notification. You were right. It was him.

Your heart pounded hard. Shivers coldly ran through your skin as you opened the text channel again, reading his "Sorry, recruit wanted me. Are you alright?" text over and over before replying.

Hey. I'm fine, just had someone come in my room.

A ding instantly came.

It was Ghost, wasn't it?

You freeze. The probability was likely but there were other people as well - how he guessed it with such confidence was what scared you.

Yes. you simply messaged, with it being an eery break between his next text.

Do you want to come to the cabin later tonight?

I don't think I would remember the way. is what you texted in a haste. Konig is pushing the boundaries, especially after now he has asked you to meet again. Your gut feeling was right - this was never a good idea. This needed to end.

The snow hasn't faded much, you can follow your footprints Liebling.

You pressed your lips together and you studied his message with meticulous detail. What was he going to do? You did try and steal intel, he might kill you if you went. It was a dangerous, stupid decision to even consider to agree to. You look away from your phone to your window, watching the afternoon sun pour through with shadows of the snowfall glittering on your floor.

What time?

Fuck. What did you just do? You let out a long sigh of defeat as you watch his chat bubble type, soon disappearing as a message is sent.

01:00am is alright?


You put your phone on your desk and jump towards your bed, wincing at the now throbbing of your shoulder as your body sinks into the duvet cover. Your stomach churns with nausea and fear as you subconsciously note the time every couple seconds. Every moment is a moment closer of that dreaded 1am.

A knock came on your door and you looked over, hearing a voice through the wood.

"Ay, can I come in? 'Ere to check on ya."

The Scottish accent which stuck to your mind like glue - Soap. You two got along fine, you can both cheer each other up within a heartbeat. Therefore, you told him he could come in. A click of your door handle later, he came in and sat on the edge of your bed as you scrambled to sit up as well.

"How's ya shoulder Y/N?" he asked with care, looking down to the bandage wrapped around it. You looked down as well and huffed of defeat.

"It hurts, yeah - but it just serves me as a reason to do better." you reply with a slight laugh, catching Soap's lips curling as well. He gestures to inspect it and you nod, letting him look at the bandage.

"This much blood must mean it hurt..." he whispered to himself as he let go. "The LT gave ya days off?"

"Luckily so." you joked, letting the both of you laugh for a while, making other subtle jokes of Ghost. "I mean, he was the one that helped me home."

"Well, that's how he is. No one left behind."

You nod in agreement and lean back slightly on your bed, letting the mattress absorb one of your hands. Soap checks his watch and stands up. He looks at you and offers a hand, which you take.

"I need to set up some training for newbies. Got anything on schedule?" he asks, you shake your head yes. May as well tag along, at least it will get rid of the gut wrenching fear of tonight.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12 ⏰

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