Who's calling?

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I sat in my living room, watching my new favorite tv show. As I'm captivated by the screen, I heard the faint ringing of my phone.

Ring Ring Ring!

I felt all around my couch, trying to find my cell phone as its continuous rings show no sign of stopping.

Ring Ring Ring!

I picked up one of my throw pillows, and to my relief, i find my phone wedged between the couch and pillow. I take my phone into my hand and look at the caller.

Ring Ring Ring!

Unidentified. My thumb hovers over the decline button, but for some reason, I don't push it. It's really late... is there really anything better to do?

Ring Ring Ring!

I tap the answer button on the screen and turn it on speaker.
"Hello, this is y/n. Who is this?" I say, a hint of sleep still lingering in my voice.

The voice on the other end of the phone chuckled.. The chuckle, the gravelly voice, everything about it just seems to scream danger.
"I like girls that answer the phone so late..." The man said. There was an eerie tone in the voice, almost as if there was a sadistic and dark aura surrounding his words.

My heart beat speeds up slightly. I had recently seen the new movie Scream with my friends, so I assumed that this was most likely a prank call.

I smirk slightly and pace around the living room. "Ophelia? Is that you?" I pause. "The voice changer is pretty convincing... Where did you get it?"

For a few seconds, the other end of the phone was filled with silence.
"It's not Ophelia, darling. Try again." It became increasingly obvious that whoever was on the other end of the phone wasn't my friend.

I scoff, although I walk to my front door, checking the security of the locks before I sat back down on the couch. "Oph, this isn't funny."

The man chuckled, his deep voice dripping with coldness.
"No, it really isn't darling."

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