Chapter 2

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I walked into the school building, the hallways seeming louder than they usually did. Which is really say something, because they're always really fucking loud.

"-actually killed her?!" I heard someone say.
"Yeah, they found her gutted, hung from a tree!" someone replied.
"Do you think it was ghostface?"
"Yeah, they couldn't find him anywhere"
"I heard she bled so much the grass was stained red"

I shook my head and walked to class. These bitches will take any story and make it sound 10 times worse. Ghostface? What is this, a horror movie?


I walked home, the fall leaves crunching beneath my feet. I was about half a mile from my house when my phone rang.
"Hey." I said tiredly.
"Hello y/n, whats your favorite scary movie?" A scatchy voice spoke from the other end of the phone. I checked the caller id.
"Oh my fucking god rue, thats not even funny-"
She laughed, taking the voice changer off. "Yeah, but your dumbass fell for it. I know you did."
"Seriously, what if Ghostface really is killing people? Dont fucking joke about that." i scolded her. I didnt want to sound too unfun, but I was genuinely concerned. Ive heard bad things about ghostface.
"Whatever y/n. Have a fun weekend, dont get gutted!" She laughed before hanging up.

These bitches are dumb.

As i walked the rest of the way to my house, i couldve sworn that i saw something moving in one of the neighbors backyards. I glanced in that direction.

"...hello?" i said, my voice had a hint of fear in it.

No response.
I was getting into my own head.
I walked up to my front door, turning my key into the hole and opening it. It was locked now. I twisted the key again, confused. Was it really already unlocked? I knew i had locked my door before heading to school. Probably just forgot about it again, I did usually forget things. I walked through my door, making sure to lock it behind me.

Almost as soon as i walked through the door, my phone started ringing. Was it rue again? I took it out of my pocket and looked at who was calling. An unknown caller. I have no idea what compelled me to answer, but i did.
"Hello? Whos this?"
"Wanna guess, sweetheart?" A deep, almost sinister voice answered. It dripped with malice and sadism.

"Oh my fucking god rue, turn it off."
"Turn what off?"
"The voicr changer you bitch."
The voice chuckled. "Oh sweetheart, this isnt rue~"

I paused and walked to my kitchen, opening the drawer that held my knives. Just in case. "Then who is it?"
Whoever it was sighed.

"I think you know exactly who this is."

I took a knife out, realizing it was only a butterknife. My movement became slightly more anxious as I searched for a different knife. But before I could grab a sharp enough one to defend myself with, I felt breath on my neck and a gloved hand slip around my waist. A knife was pressed up against my collarbone.
"Oh no no no darling, I wouldnt do that if I were you." He whispered into my ear, his fingers digging into my waist.

My breathing sped up, realizing that if I moved I was dead. But despite that, I wasnt going to let him kill me. I quickly grabbed a sharp knife I had had my eyes on before and stabbed his thigh, apthough not as deep as I wanted to. I jerked away from him and ran up my stairs.

"Come back here you little bitch!" I could hear him right behind me, chasing me up the stairs with his knife in his hand. I ran into my room and slammed the door shut behind me, turning the lock on the knob before running into my closet and shutting myself inside, putting my hand over my mouth. Stay quiet, stay quiet, stay-

"Open the door!" He growled, banging on the door. After a few seconds of banging, I could hear the door fly open. As he walked slowly around the room, I could hear his knife dragging against my wall. "Playing hide and seek, are we?"
The closet knob seemed to turn in slow motion as the door opened. Suddenly his hand was holding ny wrists together as he pulled me out of the closet and slammed me against my wall next to my bed, dragging his knife down my arm while holding my wrists above my head with the other.
"Found you. You lose, princess~"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16 ⏰

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