1 | .°~Happy day in hell~°.

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   Welcome to hell! Y/n woke up in the middle of what seemed to be a city. A very trashy one. She stood up and looked down at herself. She was a demon?

   Well damn. Y/n decided that she might as well look around. As she perused through the streets of hell her interest became focused on a young demon girl singing through the streets. She was confused as she stared for a few second before shaking her head and walking away.


Y/n sighed as she sat on a step that lead to some building. Hell was boring to say the least. She didn't even deserve it! Well that was a lie..but she had been good most of her life. As she continued to pout a hand rested on her shoulder making her jerk. "Oh hey I'm sorry, didn't mean to scare you," a voice behind her spoke. Y/n turned around and saw that same demon girl from earlier that was singing. "Uhm..hey," Y/n said a bit confused. "I was wondering if you would be interested in redemption!" The girl spoke with excitement. Y/n kept her confused expression. "Redemption?" That was a bad question...

   Charlie had started going on and on about this idea of sinners being redeemed, which she seemed to be very interested in succeeding. After thinking about it for awhile Y/n shrugged. They were a shitty person and honestly didn't care about redemption but having a roof over their head and some other sinners to be around light help her become more accustomed to hell. "Eh why not," Y/n smiled. Charlie must have loved that answer because she squealed really loud. Y/n stood up with a groan as she cracked her aching body from walking around all day. "Alright where is this hotel?" She asked.

   Charlie walked Y/n back through the already seen streets of hell to the hotel. On the way she kept going on and on about the two residents already there.

   Some snake guy name Sir Precious or some shit and a pornstar spider?


   Y/n tried to not think about it as Charlie opened the hotel doors. The inside was...alright. "It's got a lot of character.." Y/n mumbled. She looked over at the bar and smirked. "Oh I like this place," she said. Charlie grabbed her hand and brought her to a living room looking area. Y/n sat down and crossed one leg over the other. "I'll go grab the others, you stay here!" Charlie told Y/n before running off. Y/n nodded as she leaned against the couch.

   She was still grasping the fact they hell was real. Which must mean heaven is real too.

   After a few minutes Charlie brought a few more demons into the area. Y/n eyes widened as she took in the appearance of the residents.

   "This is Vaggie, she is my girlfriend and helper of the hotel. If I'm not around and you need something, ask her," Charlie said holding Vaggie's hand and speaking about her with such intensity. She must really love her. Vaggie squinted her eyes at Y/n as if scanning for anything wrong. "So you found her on the street? How long have you even been in hell?" Vaggie asked with slight annoyance.

   "Like a few hours," Y/n said bluntly. She didn't like Vaggies speculation. As she sat up and looked back at Charlie waiting for more introductions.

   "That is Niffty, she helps keep the hotel clean and tidy." Charlie said pointing to the gremlin, child sized, one eyed, demon. Y/n was more scared of her. "Heyyyy heheemmm" Niffty said dragging her words on for a long time and with a creepy smile. Y/n looked away disturbed.

   "That's Husk, he is the bartender if you want a drink." Charlie said. Husker looked tired and fed up. He waved at Y/n. Y/n smiled, "I'm gonna need a lot of drinks." Husk half sighed and chuckled, "I'll make it strong."

"And those are our two residents, Angel dust, and Sir Pentious." Charlie smiled.

   Ohhhh that's their names.

   "Nicccce to meet you." Sir Pentious said, dragging out the 'c'. "Heya hot shot" Angel said in a seductive voice before taking a drink of his alcohol. Y/n just nodded not knowing how to respond.

   "And last but not least Alasto- wait where is he?" Charlie looked around for any sight of Alastor but he wasn't near. Y/n looked around too even though she didn't know what he looked like. Vaggie scoffed, "I think it's great he isn't here." Charlie smiled weakly. "Well you'll have to meet him a different time," she said, "let's get you to your room."

   Y/n walked behind Charlie as she showed her to a room. It was a pretty well set room. Y/n sat on the edge of the bed. "Hmm, comfy. Thank you," she said. Charlie smiled, Thank you for coming!" She said in joy.

   Once Charlie left Y/n laid her back against the bed and spread her arms out. This might not be to bad..

                                                    -898 words

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. I got lazy at the end because it's late T-T pray for my fingers. Anyway let me know if you liked it

                             .°~Love ya~°.

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